Lost World (Bally 1978)

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  • #157932

      almost forgot to comment on this one. Ah it’s short anyways:

      I love it! :heart:

      1 user thanked author for this post.

        Alright @bord , running out of words to describe your work. This is stupid good. Best yet. I’ve got some 20 tables waiting to update but couldn’t stop playing this one, 4 hours gone bye bye. Incredible stuff. Roth, Borgdog, you guys rock too.


          Adrian, I spent almost all day yesterday playing this game in VR.  It is absolutely STUNNING – words cannot describe how real it looks and plays in VR.  I’m a complete newb with the VPX editor but I wish I knew how you were able to make your lighting look so realistic.  For example around the slings – so many tables have harsh  shadows thrown by the posts, but yours looks so realistic.  Just blown away.

          It is so much fun that I’m going to create a VR Room for it, with working back glass w/ LED displays.  Still trying to find some decent cabinet art scans.  Will reach out to you for approval to release it here once it is done.  We are sorely lacking in EM/SS VR Rooms.  And if you haven’t tried pinball in VR yet you really should – it makes the experience so much better.


            @dbknightx, it’s really great to hear. I have deliberately made some changes in how I render things so that they are less angle dependent, hoping that makes the VR experience even better.

            One of my missions is to make sure classics are represented with the same excellence that the dmd games often get. Would be very cool to see a classics-type VR room.

            All lighting except ball reflections is being rendered in Blender. Happy to share any techniques I can.

            1 user thanked author for this post.

              Beautiful table!


                wonderful Bord ! Thank you


                  For as much as I play this table combined with making my new contextual apron ‘Instruction card’ display, this particular card was tough to come by.  Here is the up-scaled/brightened version to help any other ocd’ers.  Looks great.

                  Lost World (Bally 1978)


                  "Fuck this game. I love it."

                  "Fuck this game. I love it."

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