O Brother! Another original WIP

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      Looks fantastic!  Add a couple gears and this could also be your Steam Punk table!  As a non-pupper I hope there will be a basic version for us Consumer Cellular types ;)


        I hope there will be a basic version for us Consumer Cellular types ;)

        Ha ha @jfr1, still using a flip phone?


          Dang, just went looking for my box of old phones.  Around here somewhere.  I loved my flip phone.  Had an outer display!  And I felt like Kirk every time I opened it.  I’m tearing up just thinking about it.  Simpler times.  And the battery lasted for weeks!


            A lot has happened since we last spoke. Loserman76 has figured out the game flow scripting … so the game basically works. (I’m indebted.) While he was doing that, I was testing shots and discovered that some of them were darn near impossible. So I adjusted angles. And that short wire ramp @zimbakin said was genius wasn’t so genius after all. I just couldn’t make the shot with any degree of probability. So I did what I did on The Clash, plastic ramp to wire ramp. Not as charming, but the shot and ramp physics are great now.

            You may notice some other things here. A few more movie accurate signs on the back wall, and I re-modeled the radio to drastically reduce poly count on the primitive.

            Still a lot of work to go.

            Thalamus wrote:

            Looks better than many real machines.

            No one’s perfect, you’ll get there. The short wire ramp I still consider a stroke creative of genius. I just love the look of it. Good things take time

            Never take advice from me,
            you'll end up drunk.

            Never take advice from me,
            you'll end up drunk.


              The plastic-to-wire ramp looks cool, too!  (Is there no way to fake? Like leave the wire ramp where it is but make it non collidable and have an unvisible but collidable plastic ramp on top? Maybe an idiot idea, havent been in codes for months and cant remember if its possible at all..) As I said before, this one is already looking like its a real one, cool work!


                @jfr1 I laughed. I’m a CC customer and fan. There will be a non pup version. I’ll probably release that first. Lots of voice callouts during game play. “Gopher?”

                @makmak There’s probably a way to make the ramp work. I found that you just about had to be dead center on the rails to make it up and I needed to shorten the upslope so I didn’t block the right loop or George target.

                I may try the invisible but collidable ramp idea this weekend and see what happens. I miss the all wire ramp. Fit the train track art so well.

                The shot up to the upper right Everett saucer is my current puzzle. Most times it skims along the right rail, misses the saucer and does a terrific loop back to the left flipper. But the saucer is important to game flow…

                Your last name isn’t Sanderson is it?






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