Pink Panther (Gottlieb 1981) Sound MOD v2.0

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      Pink Panther (Gottlieb 1981) Sound MOD v2.1

      I first would like to thank Bord for giving me permission to make this sound mod. I would also like to thank him for making a great table!! I also would like to thank everyone who contributed to this table including, Hauntfreaks, NFozzy, Luvthatapex, Arngrim and BorgDog!!
      They put in alot of time and work on the original table, and it is appreciated!! So if you like this mod, I would encourage you to thank the original author of the table, as I have only made a few changes!
      Check Original Table download page for more important info.
      Original Table…

      I also would like to thank Allknowing2012 and Gtxjoe for teaching me how to add timers to script.

      I also would like to thank DJRobX, STAT, Gtxjoe, and nFozzy, for helping me shorten my StopSounds and PlaySounds script commands.
      (They each wrote out an example, and between them all, I was able to figure it out!! BIG THANKS!!!)

      I also would like to thank Steve “Slydog43” for which these VPX mods would not be possible!!

      Version 1.2
      Added 26 sound effects. All of these sound effects are played through backglass instead of table per Vogliadicanes info.
      Including 3 background music sound effects triggered from plunger pull,(3 different versions of same song.), and an Inspector background music sound effect triggered by upper left and right kickers.
      4 other background music sound effects are played during attract mode.
      Added “plungerreleasefree” sound effect from BorgDogs Buck Rogers VPX table, so if no ball is in plunger lane, it plays the “plungerreleasefree” sound effect.
      Added some Subs BIP, ICML, ICMR, xxx, yyy, zzz with different varibles, so no background music sound effects are triggered by plungerpull unless Ball is in Play, and no balls are locked.(This allows the Inspector background music sound effect to continue playing when ball is locked, and next ball is shot from plunger.)
      Also this helps during Multi-Ball drains so background music sound effect is not altered until last ball drain during Multi-Ball.
      Starting Plunger sound effect is played when ball enters plunger lane,(If ball is not locked.) If plunger is not pulled within 2 cycles of sound effect, (30 seconds.), 1 of 2 random “mad people voices” is activated for 1 cycle,(15 seconds.) If plunger is still not pulled, it will trigger a snoring sound effect for 2 cycles and then starts over from the “mad people voices” cycle.
      ROM sounds are turned off by default at table start, and turned back on when table exits.
      (This way if you have another Pink Panther table that uses same rom, rom sounds will not be effected.)
      Added to script so you can change LED’s to blue, pink, or regular orange.(They are blue by default. I tried to make it the same color as LED’s on apron.) On table exit, LED’s are set back to regular orange.
      (This way if you have another Pink Panther table that doesn’t have the same LED’s colors scripted in, it won’t change them.)
      Added DT Backdrop pic. I used pic from HauntFreaks dB2S Backglass Illuminated Image.

      Requires the latest VPX 10.4 beta.

      If you are looking for a dB2S Backglass, Bord included one with his table download.
      So you need to go to his download page if you want the dB2S Backglass.

      All pics, trademarks, Logos and sounds belong to their respectful owners. This table is for personal home, and non-commercial use only. This table should be used for educational purposes only..

      Hope you enjoy!!

      6 users thanked author for this post.

        hmmm now this may be interesting :good:

        Thanks @Xenonph

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


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          Sorry I just updated table as I found a flaw in my script.

          After adding sound effects to all these different tables, I have learned how to write script variables.

          I learned alot from Scottacus helping me try to add Tilt sound effects and no credit sound effects on other tables.

          Well from all the info I have learned. I was able to add all these script variables without asking for any help!!! Believe me it was no easy task for a script beginner like myself, to get the mutilball drain variables to work properly.

          I understand how the script works, but am not good at the wording.

          I love working on these tables!!!

          I am starting on a Christmas Sound Mod table next.

          I then will redo all the NFL tables as I know how to add timers to script now.

          I then will put all the teams into one download page to save on clutter.

          Looks like this should keep me busy until Christmas at least!!



            No Krull ?


              I need to get permission from kevinleedrum before I can release a Krull table as I will be using all his resources.

              I already have permission from MFuegemann, but have yet to hear back from Kevinleedrum yet.

              I will definately need his permission first, unless you know of any other resources?

              i already made a night mod of his VP9 table, but will not release it until I have his permission.

              I love KRULL!!!!


                Would be good to know where the limit goes for when a person is considered MIA and that it would be OK to use the same resources.  I’m sure someone here have some opinions on the matter.


                  I think that there is an FP current WIP. Can always try to go that route for resources.

                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                    Here is VPX Krull WIP pic using MFuegemanns and Kevinleedrums VP9 table.


                    Need to add materials obviously, and new flipper primitives and script code.

                    This is just to let you know I am working towards completing this table, but will still need permission to release to public from Kevinleedrum.

                    Thalamus, you are the one who convinced me to even attempt this VPX KRULL table, with the info you gave me, I was able to get this far!! So a huge thanks!! I would like to learn all this, and start helping getting all the tables converted to VPX!!

                    This stuff is exciting!!!

                    Ben Logan2

                      Watched Laylow’s video just now. Great sound-mod. Often I like just about anything (guitars, cars, etc.) as close to stock as possible, but this is a genuinely enhanced experience! Well done, Xenonph.

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                        So, everyone just took at step back not really willing to answer my question about resources ?! Hmm. Fine. I know I’m a new kid on the block, but all my life I’ve live around computers. I’m now a linux guy and run only windows because of directx and VP.  Have a feeling that you guys know what I’m talking about when I say that I’ve stolen code and snippets all my life. Being a C64 user in my youth stealing sprites and music from games in order to make my own sprite/music demos. Hell, I even cracked a game once and released it … ok, that wasn’t nice I admit. I never got arrested for it and well, never got world famous any of my demos either ;)

                        Back in those days. I made sure that I told in the demos … who the authors where so they got some kind of acknowledgment for their work. Though, maybe not the way originally intended.

                        So, I really want to get back to the question. I’ve been quite active the last year, but, I have a history going back to 2009 at least with VP if you count the inactive period. Back then I just played Desktop, downloaded and really didn’t think much of the hard work laid down by you authors. Now, I’ve come to love this community in a BIG way. I download tables, I adjust and change whatever I want but, I really can’t share my work out of fear for someone getting on my neck. Sure, I’ve released one table with the nod from Fren, but, that’s it, and I’ve learned a lot just since then.

                        I just counted, I have 44 vpx tables that I’ve changed privately. I have about the same amount of VP9 tables converted into PM5′. ( That was the start .. ) None of these are shared to the community as a whole, out of the same same fear of getting bashed from using a resource here or there. The only way to learn is to read other peoples works. Steal stuff from a table here and there and in the end it is a little bit yours as well – isn’t it … as long as honor the original authors ?? Especially if they are gone from the community for years ?

                        Yes, I’m a pirate – and I will always be .. I don’t pay for Windows and I never will. So there :)

                        Maybe now, someone will respond to my original question – trying to stir the pot a bit here now … when is it OK to steal resources if ever ? :whistle:

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                          When I asked MFuegemann for permission to mod his and kevins VP9 Krull table, he told me I have his permission. But he then stated to me, that I would need to contact kevinleedrum before I could release to community, as they were all his resources.

                          This is the great MFuegemann saying this to me. So I think he knows the proper etiquitte of permissions for modding. If MFuegemann wouldn’t mod it without getting permission from kevin first, then I also must follow his standard, which is also the communities standard.

                          I agree with you about people being gone for years, seems like no chance of contacting them. It does kind of put a damper on things.

                          But even pirates adhere to a code of honor.


                            Here is what the VP9 nightmod looks like…


                            I also modded the dB2S backglass to have green LED’s like the pics seen at IPDB.





                              Alright I’ll way in even though, i really don’t contribute much as far as table building.  I look at it this way:

                              1. Ask permission and if it’s NO then it’s No, don’t just change a few little things and say it’s yours.  Also don’t change a few little things, screw up the physics, then call it a 4k mod and think you don’t need permission to release it (Is that guy still around) :whistle:
                              2. If you get permission, then thank the original person for sharing the resources.  Honestly most guys here do this very well, Xenonph always goes above and beyond with this
                              3. If the person has been inactive for a certain length of time, lets say 1 year? You still make an effort to contact but if no response, I say go ahead and use them still giving the person credit for their contribution.
                              4. Let’s face it once something is released into the big wide world, kinda makes it hard to claim ownership, unless it’s locked down in the program.
                              5. You can be assured if for some reason these tables are made in China and put into a cabinet made in China and sold everywhere, nobody will get credit for their hard work.  That’s a whole sad state in itself

                              Not trying to rock any boats just giving my honest opinion and thoughts

                              The Loafer

                                Thalamus: in all your 40+ mods, have you contacted all the authors, explained the improvements and offered them to take your Improvements as part of an updated release?  I often see people recommending fixes to JPSalas tables and JP releases a fix soon afterwards


                                i have no issues with mods. But it’s not always necessary to release a mod when  contribution can be made in different ways


                                as for your question, I don’t know what constitutes a specific time. Many sites have their own rules, if you are concerned about being banned then don’t release them.  If you want to Possibly change in what constitutes a long enough period then contact the sites admins and ask their opinion I guess


                                  @loafer : There is only two table that I’ve changed and are considering “releasing”. Both from same author and since he is still around I would definitely ship them to him and hope he like the changes and releasing as an update. Wouldn’t mind if he changed it before doing so either. I still have my copy with my preferred changes. Might happen. Just a bit hesitant since I’ve changed physics quite a bit.

                                  @jepserpark : I agree with everything you said.

                                  Sorry Xenonph for hi-jacking this thread. I should probably have started my own. Thanks for the feedback so far. Anyone else care to share their thoughts on the matter ?


                                    You are my friend Thalamus. Feel free to hijack anytime, as what you are saying is important to me, and important to other modders who have ran into this dilemna.

                                    I am like you, (and like many other people who contribute to this hobby), and am just trying to do what I can to contribute to this community.

                                    I love working on these tables!!!

                                    Carry on.



                                      Hello Xenonph. Another table of yours i love, but i have never been able to the DMD to display correctly. In FS or DT.  The DMD is always displays garbage info from the score.  I have a pindmdv3 from virtuapin  but have never got the dmd to work on this game. WOuld love if i could.  Any advise?



                                        Not sure what could be causing that.

                                        Only thing I can have you try is commenting out Lines 80-82 or delete them.

                                        It is for the blue color DMD.

                                        Not sure how this effects PinDMDs as I am only a Desktop Table user.

                                        Only thing I can think of right now.

                                        Perhaps someone with more knowledge about PinDMDs will be able to help you better.

                                        1 user thanked author for this post.

                                          @loganchihuahua : What about these tables ? Same problem ?


                                          It’s a pinmame thing. Nothing Xenonph can do about. Needs to be looked at by C coders. Get yourself a nice 128×32 pic and put that on the DMD instead until it is resolved and run with 2 screen db2s.

                                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                                            Hey Xenoph. Just played your Sound Mod table for half an hour and I want to thank you for what you did here. I liked Bord’s version, but your sound mod makes it alive much more. Cheers, Alex.

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