Robocop (Ultimate Edition 1.05) (p2.7) (DOFLinx)

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  • #39776

      DOFLinx – “A powerful utility for cabinet owners to make the most of force feedback and lighting.” – by DDH69

      This Future Pinball table has DOFLinx commands added to it. This will enable support for pinball cabinet force feedback devices such as solenoids (flippers,bumpers,slingshots,drop targets,etc), RGB lighting and flashers, beacon, strobes, blower fan, shaker and more!

      Requirements / Installation: Regardless of using this table with force feedback (Pinball Cabinet) or without (Desktop), you MUST install the current DOFLinx.vbs script into your ‘Future PinballScripts’ folder. Running the table without DOFLinx.vbs will cause an error. (FF_INIT)

      DOFLinx.vbs is included with the DOFLinx install package. This file is not included with this table to avoid version mismatches.

      DOFLinx install package download:

      The current download of DOFLinx can be found through this post at vpforums:

      It is recommended to use this table with BAM (Better Arcade Mode), in order to get the most accurate version of physics intended for this table. Copy the *.fpt and *.xml within this archive to your “Future PinballTables” directory.

      Cabinet Use:

      For cabinet users running DOFLinx: This table will function with the in-game sounds for mechanical devices such as flippers, slingshots, bumpers, etc muted.  Instead, you will only hear your cabinets feedback devices for those actions. The rest of the games sounds will play normally as intended by the table author.

      Desktop Use:

      For desktop users: This table will still function normally without the need for DOFLinx to be running or installed. You will however require the DOFLinx.vbs file (read “Requirements / Installation”). It will play perfectly with the original in-game mechanical sounds playing through your PCs speakers.

      Note: Any DMDs or HudOverlays intended for desktop use were moved out of view so that they will not appear on the playfield (this table was modded for DOFLinx cabinet use).

      Night Mode:

      For cabinet users who want to play at night with their cabinet noise makers turned off, this table can be toggled between Cabinet Use (noisy), and Desktop Use (Night Mode). Please consult the DOFLinx guide (included with the DOFLinx install package) for more information on how to use Night Mode.

      We hope you enjoy the DOFLinx cabinet experience!


      For SLAMT1LTs newest versions of his tables (without DOFLinx support), goto his website


      1 user thanked author for this post.

        Looks like a cool table. have never tried it but will now! thanks for doing these mods!

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        1 user thanked author for this post.

          Looks very good.


            Thanks, I ran it as Desktop game no problem, attaching the .vbs I used in scripts it’s from 4.01 of DOFLinx and only additional file I needed with BAM ofc already installed.



            1968 - 1991 seems to be my favorite ERA of pinball machines.

            1968 - 1991 seems to be my favorite ERA of pinball machines.


              Thanks, I ran it as Desktop game no problem, attaching the .vbs I used in scripts it’s from 4.01 of DOFLinx and only additional file I needed with BAM ofc already installed.

              The only reason I don’t include that .vbs file with the tables I mod, is because DOFLinx may eventually get updated with a newer version of that file which provides new functionality (which may be needed for a newer mod of a table).  If someone has a newer DOFLinx version but overwrites that vbs file with an older version (included with an older table), then it creates problems for the user.

              Desktop use will work fine either way… the only thing you are missing is any DMDs or Overlays / HUDS (meant for desktop) that were moved off screen to prevent them from showing up on top of the playfield for cabinet users.




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