Tron Legacy LE: “End of Line” PuP-Pack (VPX)

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      Tron Legacy: “End of Line” Pup-Pack! (by TerryRed)

      We’re back to the Grid to replace the older Max-Pack with this new “End of Line” PuP-Pack! Completely reworked (using newer PuP features) and has new videos for TILT, Ball Saved, Game Start, Attract mode, Portal, and new Mode Title videos. The biggest new addition is an all-new “PuP-Tracks” music option that replaces the original SAM mono music with a new (high quality Stereo) Original Movie Soundtrack played from Pinup Player!


      A video preview of the PuP-Pack with the OST music can be seen here:



      System:  Visual Pinball X (version 10.5+)


      PuP-Pack: Videos, Media, music, PuP-Pack Editor & PuPCapture files by TerryRed


      New Features (compared to the older Max Pack version):

      -completely reworked to play videos more cleanly using newer PuP features

      -uses PuP displays 11-15. Now there is no worry about conflicting configurations with Popper displays (0-10)

      -new Portal Mode and Jackpot videos

      -new videos for TILT, Ball Saved, Game Start

      -3 Attract mode trailers

      -new “shorter” mode Intro videos

      -new mode Title videos that play after Intro videos are done

      -new Topper videos for Portal and Sea of Simulation

      -optional new PuP-Tracks music (that replaces the mono low quality SAM music). Featuring (high quality stereo) Original Movie Soundtracks from the movie

      -music playlist feature that allows you to add or remove your own music that can play during the main game mode


      Standard features:

      -animated neon borders and lens flares that match the mode or event

      -optional Topper or Under videos for each game mode and some game events

      -videos for all main game events with colours and animation to match


      NOTE: Not for 2 screen setups! (unless your backglass is “square”, then you can edit this pup-pack to still run as 16:9 and allow the remainder of your Backglass monitor/TV to be used for your DMD. read how to do this in one of my posts in the support tab):

      This PuP-Pack is designed for 3 screen users (with an LCD screen DMD),  or 2 screen users who have a real DMD. The backglass portion of the Pup-Pack won’t be able to display a virtual DMD, due to using two fullscreen video layers. The optional Topper videos will also need a dedicated space or screen as well.


      Those users who don’t have a dedicated space for a DMD, will need to use the “2 on 1” or “3 on 1” packs.







      PinUP Player 1.4.1 FULLY installed and setup. (The Pinup Popper front-end is not required for PuP-Packs)




      DMDExt 1.71 (32 bit x86 files only!) or higher installed in your VPinMAME folder and configured to enable Pinup!

      This PuP-Pack relies on monitoring the freezy dmdext DMD for specific images to trigger videos and music (PuPCapture). This needs both the freezy 1.71+ “dmddevice.dll” file, and the Pinup Player “dmddevicePUP.dll” file in your VPinMAME folder.

      Ensure Pinup is enabled in the dmddevice.ini file (in your VPinMAME folder):





      Note: If you are using a real DMD, then ensure that the freezy virtual DMD is disabled in the dmddevice.ini file (to prevent the virtual DMD from displaying under your game window, etc):


      ; a DMD that renders with nice dots on a computer monitor


      enabled = false



      In the PinMAME settings for the Tron Legacy trn_174h rom (press F1 during gameplay), you must have “Use External DLL” enabled. This will enable the freezy dmdext dmddevice.dll to be used, which is needed for PuPCapture.

      ”IGNORE Rom CRC Errors” must be enabled to allow any custom ROM to be used.

      Your DMD must be in English for all PuPCapture video triggers to work correctly!



      You should NOT have a directb2s running on the same screen as the PuP-Pack, or it may obscure the PuP Backglass or cause performance problems!





      Download your choice of the Topper or Under version of the PuP-Pack. If you don’t have either of those displays, then it doesn’t matter which version.

      -Toppers version (21:9 ratio videos on the Topper)

      -Unders version (even wider ratio videos for an Under screen).

      Download the Tron_PuP-Muted Music if you plan on using the OST Music option!

      If you have ANY previous Tron Legacy PuP-Packs installed…you MUST remove them first!

      Ensure there are NO files in your “PUPVideos” “trn_174h” folder (if that folder already exists).

      Copy the PuP-Pack “trn_174h” folder from the download zip archive into your PUPVideos folder.


      OST Movie Music (optional). To enable the PuP-Tracks OST Music:

      -the OST Music option is turned off by default

      -edit the trn_174h PuP-Pack with the PuP-Pack Editor, and change Screen 15 (OST Music) to “MusicOnly”. Then Save.

      -you must use my custom “Muted Music Rom” version of the Rom file. Copy the from the “Tron_PuP-Muted Music” to your VPinMAME Roms folder (backup your original rom file first!). This is required because SAM tables cannot have their music turned down or reduced by either VPX or the table’s Service Menu. This custom rom will allow only the PuP-Pack to play music for the game.


      Music Playlist for Main Game mode and Hi-Score:

      -if you want to add or remove any of the OST music that plays during the main mode of gameplay, these can be found in the “Music – Main Gameplay”. Simply add or remove the music files of your choice and they will be used at random in the game!

      -you can do the same for the “Music – HiScore” folder as well

      – DO NOT modify any other folders or files!


      Topper / Unders:

      -the Topper videos option is turned OFF by default

      -to use the Topper videos feature, edit the trn_174h PuP-Pack with the PuP-Pack Editor, and change Screen 13 to “ForceBack”, and Screen 14 to “ForcePop”. Then Save.

      -Topper videos (21:9 ratio) or Under videos (wider ratio) can only be used if you have a dedicated screen or space for them! If you don’t have that, then keep it turned off!





      -for Disc Wars MB, there is a bug in the rom that sometimes won’t show the “Disc Wars MB Total” display when that mode has ended. As a result the videos and music in the pup-pack for that mode may not turn off when they should. There is nothing I can do to get around this!




      For issues with getting a PuP-Pack to work, refer to the wiki:


      Total of 23 users thanked author for this post. Here are last 20 listed.

        The debut trailer for the PuP-Pack:


        This video shows the dramatic difference between using PuP-Tracks for OST Stereo Hi Quality Movie music vs the original SAM System 22000 Hz Mono music. Some of the PuP-Tracks music is the same as the SAM original (but better quality and in stereo), whereas some game modes use completely different OST music, making for a more cinematic experience.

        Also, you get different OST music tracks for each new game you start…or you can add your own easily.

        All game modes are shown with “Original” and “New OST Music”.



        If you have a dedicated Topper screen or space, then you will need to enable the Topper feature. Edit the trn_174h PuP-Pack and makes the changes as seen in the picture below. 




        If you wish to use the new PuP-Tracks OST Music feature you must first install my custom “Muted Music” rom (after backing up your original rom in VPinMAME first!). Simply copy the (from the Tron_PuP-Muted Music into your VPinMame folder.

        Then you must use the PuP-Pack editor to enable the OST Music by changing Screen 15 to “MusicOnly”




        Some pics and info below for those who are anti-video watchers!


        One of the changes I made to Tron Legacy “End of Line” pup-pack… Mode “Intro” videos.

        In the previous Max Pack, each mode would start with a long “Intro” video, and just keep that video looping continuously during the entire mode. I’ve never been a fan of that (unless it works well like ATC mode on Aliens FX3 pack), as it makes everything way too busy, and Jackpots and other video events just blend in and don’t stand out. More isn’t always better.

        So now I have shorter Intro videos play only once (with animated text), and then you will see the default backglass, but now with the Mode Text on the bottom and the coloured neon border and flares still showing for the mode. Since this pack doesn’t use an Overlay image (can’t do the neon flares that way)… this needed to be baked into the videos. This makes for a more “clean” look, and is really how I wanted this pack to originally look.



        Another addition to Tron Legacy: “End of Line” pup-pack, was adding some missing videos such as Ball Saved (now on the backglass), TILT, more Drains, and more Game Starts, and more Attract mode Trailers.


        This PuP-Pack replaces the older “Max Pack”.

        It is designed for 3 screen users (with an LCD screen DMD),  or 2 screen users who have a real DMD. The backglass portion of the pup-pack won’t be able to display a virtual DMD, due to using two fullscreen video layers. The optional Topper videos will also need a dedicated space / screen as well.

        Those users who don’t have a dedicated space for a DMD, will need to use the older “2 on 1” or “3 on 1” packs.

        If  your backglass is “square” however, then you can edit this pup-pack to still run as 16:9 and allow the remainder of your Backglass monitor/TV at the bottom to be used for your DMD. Read how to do this in one of my posts below.


          This won’t work for me as a 2 screen user, but the music upgrade is significant. Thanks for all your work on this.


            This won’t work for me as a 2 screen user, but the music upgrade is significant. Thanks for all your work on this.

            Try it anyway! Depending on how your DMD window behaves, it may work for you! (your DMD window needs to be “On Top”)

            If your DMD window gets obscured then you can try this for at least “something”:

            You “could” try to turn off all screens using the PuP-Pack Editor and just have Screen 11 set to “ForceBack” and have Screen 15 set to “MusicOnly”. This gives you the OST music and the Underlay BG Video Layer which will give you still the animated mode Text videos, and drain videos as well as the normal default animated backglass. Your DMD window “should be able to “stay on top” of this window since it is set to ForceBack.

            You won’t ge the majority of the videos from the Top Layer…but it will be something better than a normal directb2s…maybe?

            The problem comes from the other BG Top Layer. It’s set to ForcePopBack, but it still may “Pop” on top of your DMD window. :(


            If you have a “square” Backglass however, then you can keep the PuP-Pack at a 16:9 ratio (by changing the CustomPos for each screen in the PuP-Pack Editor) and leave space below for your DMD. If you backglass is 16:9 though…that can’t be changed.



              For those 2 screen users that have a “square backglass TV or monitor” like @matd or @BorgDog …you absolutely can use this PuP-Pack normally.

              If you setup your PuP Backglass “default” screen covering your entire square screen by default…then you can easily change the CustomPos for Screen 11 and Screen 12 so they can only use up the top 2/3 and “look” correct with a 16:9 ratio! This is one of PuP’s excellent features.


              The manual method:

              You can edit it manually in the PuP-Pack editor…and figure out the math for what you need…since I don’t know what ratio you guys would need exactly.

              Here are the values for CustomPos:

              Reference Screen, xpos%, ypos%, xsize%, ysize%

              So if you see:


              …then that means that PuP Display will use Screen 2 as it’s starting point, and reference for % of 100. So this means this PuP Display will START at Screen 2’s top left ( xpos%=0, ypos%=0 ) and use 100% of it’s width (xsize%=100) and 100% of it’s height (ysize%=100).


              So for an example of a 1280×1024 “square” screen for a backglass, you would change Tron’s PuP-Pack Screens of 11 and 12 from:




              The above would give you a proper 16:9 PuP-Pack on a 1280×1024 screen, or a scren with a similar aspect ratio. This would leave a lot of room at the bottom of the screen for a virtual DMD like dmdext.


              The easy method:

              Using @matd ‘s excellent PupPackScreenTweaker. This excellent tool will do the hard work for you so you don’t need to know any math! :)

              Just use this tool to edit the pup-pack’s screens.pup file, and use it’s GUI to resize and position the PuP-Pack’s displays however you want!





                Thanks, Terry. I do have a square backglass. Glad to hear I get to give the whole shebang a shot! Tron is a perfect candidate for the PUP-Pack treatment.


                  Thanks, Terry. I do have a square backglass. Glad to hear I get to give the whole shebang a shot! Tron is a perfect candidate for the PUP-Pack treatment.


                  Yes, this can be applied to other PuP-Packs as well, since they are all designed with 16:9 in mind. Some have more PuP Screens than others….but it comes down to what you want to use as your Reference screen in CustomPos, and how you setup the Reference Screen’s “default” in the PuP Displays setup.


                  For someone with a “square” backglass, you have a couple of options:

                  -setup your PUP default Backglass Display to cover your entire Backglass TV. Then you would need to make the changes I show in the above post for each pack.

                  -or your other option (the easiest) would be to set your PuP default Backglass Display to fit as a 16:9 aspect ratio (at the top 2/3 of your TV) which would leave you space for DMD’s at the bottom by default. Most PuP-Packs would work perfect with this method with no change needed for editing each pup-pack.


                  There are other options…but this would cover the basics for a square Backglass screen user.

                  has a vertical TV for his backglass, and uses PuP-Packs to display the Backglass and Topper on one display and look correct. I’m pretty sure its similar to @BorgDog Wedgehead setup.



                  The Loafer

                    Just tried it, it’s terrific man, love the music used.  Such a fun game, I miss my real Tron Legacy Pro Pin but these releases make me miss it a bit less ;)


                      This has been unapproved until you finish updates then it will be approved again. ??

                      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                      for IOS and Android


                      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                      for IOS and Android



                        This has been unapproved until you finish updates then it will be approved again. ??

                        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                        for IOS and Android


                        Updates are done… :)

                        I noticed it didn’t allow you to select the files you want to download, so I had to change that.

                        Sorry if I kept your phone buzzing! :)


                          Ok will make it active again :)

                          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                          for IOS and Android


                          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                          for IOS and Android



                            Ok will make it active again :)

                            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                            for IOS and Android


                            …ok…thanks…and back to sleep old man! It’s Grandpa and Father’s Day!


                              Thank you Terry.

                              Just got my cab onto its legs yesterday, with buttons in.

                              Rewarding myself with a few games of this new pack! ?




                                Awesome work again, I replaced the previous Max-Pack (which was also great) with this one.
                                I am using the underscreen variant, if this interesting for the statistics :)
                                Thanks a lot! It’s a great addition to the game.


                                  From a great PupPack made even better. I really like the pack anyway because Tron gives a great opportunity with the neonlight and lens flare effects. And then the super OST sound. that’s the way flippers fun



                                    Thanks @TerryRed … an amazing PuP Pack you´ve made there again. Really stunning :rose:

                                    VPin: Williams Time Warp Cabinet (1979), 4K playfield: 40" Iiyama X4071UHSU, backglass: 32" LG. Pin2DMD, Pincontrol 1, LEDWiz, nudging, tilt, plunger, 10 big siemens contactors, Shaker, Strobo, Gear, Beacon, RGB Flasher 5x, Knocker, PC: Intel i5 2500k@4.5Ghz, 8 GB Ram, Zotac GTX 1070 Mini, Win10

                                    VPin: Williams Time Warp Cabinet (1979), 4K playfield: 40" Iiyama X4071UHSU, backglass: 32" LG. Pin2DMD, Pincontrol 1, LEDWiz, nudging, tilt, plunger, 10 big siemens contactors, Shaker, Strobo, Gear, Beacon, RGB Flasher 5x, Knocker, PC: Intel i5 2500k@4.5Ghz, 8 GB Ram, Zotac GTX 1070 Mini, Win10


                                      Thank you TerryRed!! I had the MaxPack, and it was fantastic…….not sure how you managed to out do yourself, but you did. FAB-U-LOUS!!! :yahoo:   :yahoo:   :yahoo:

                                      Major Frenchy

                                        Thank you Terry. Can’t wait to test this one out.

                                        Youtube Channel:

                                        Youtube Channel:


                                          mmh..   im obviously mistaken for some other member. i dont have a square BG and i dont use PuP packs so far

                                          but i appreciate your work :good:


                                            Thanks for making this Terry! These Pup Packs are what made me pull the trigger on making a full size Cab.



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