Troubleshooting DOF w/ Sainsmart (HELP!)

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  • #63601

      I added a Sainsmart 8 USB relay last week. I have a chime box and shaker motor hooked up and functioning properly with relay manager software. When I use DirectOutputConfigTester my globalconfig file is recognized and I can trigger my toys.


      However, when I open the configuration with a VPX table loaded it doesn’t find a globalconfig file and nothing triggers.


      So what exactly is going on? Here is a look at my config folder:


      BONUS QUESTION: I have had an LEDWiz running fine alongside a Zeb’s Plunger V2 for a year. When I added the Sainsmart I started getting USB conflicts in Windows 10 so I disabled the LEDWiz for now since that fixed the conflict. Anyone using all three of these and have them working nicely together in Windows 10?



        Would be helpful to see your config file. You added your serial numbers for sainsmart in it I assume?

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          Yes I did. Pulled down a packet that you had shared some time ago that included a serial finder.

          Here is my globalconfig:

          <IniFilesPath>C:\visual pinball DOF\config</IniFilesPath>
          <CabinetConfigFilePattern>C:\visual pinball DOF\config\Cabinet.xml</CabinetConfigFilePattern>
          <TableConfigFilePatterns />
          <Filename>C:\visual pinball DOF\config\directoutputconfig40.ini</Filename>

          Here is my cabinet:

          <Name>Bally SI Conversion</Name>
          <Name>Sainsmart 1</Name>
          <Name>SainsmartLWEQ 1</Name>
          <OutputName>Sainsmart 1.01</OutputName>
          <OutputName>Sainsmart 1.02</OutputName>
          <OutputName>Sainsmart 1.03</OutputName>
          <OutputName>Sainsmart 1.04</OutputName>
          <OutputName>Sainsmart 1.05</OutputName>
          <OutputName>Sainsmart 1.06</OutputName>
          <OutputName>Sainsmart 1.07</OutputName>
          <OutputName>Sainsmart 1.08</OutputName>


            Only thing that stands out is location of dof. I always install in c:\directouput with a plugins shortcut in tables folder to the direct output folder. Do you get any feedback with just ledwiz or just sainsmart active? Or is issue no feedback do to dof not liking your config file? Post the dof log that will help a lot

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            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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              Ok, changed the folder to c:\directouput but gives the same results.

              LEDWiz by itself always worked fine with DOF.

              Now LEDWiz is removed so it is only a Sainsmart and it refuses to see my config file within VPX.

              Log here:

              2017.09.09 15:36:38.090 DirectOutput Logger initialized
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.105 DirectOutput Version 0.8.5307.1702 as of 2014.07.13 00:56
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.105 Global config loaded from: C:\visual pinball DOF\config\globalconfig.xml
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.105 Loading Pinball parts
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.105 Loading cabinet
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.105 Will load cabinet config file: C:\visual pinball DOF\config\Cabinet.xml
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.159 1 output controller defnitions and 1 toy definitions loaded from cabinet config.
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.159 Cabinet config file has AutoConfig feature enabled. Calling AutoConfig.
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.159 Cabinet auto configuration started
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.174 Cabinet auto configuration finished
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.174 Autoconfig complete.
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.174 Cabinet config loaded successfully from C:\visual pinball DOF\config\Cabinet.xml
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.174 Cabinet loaded
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.174 Loading table config
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.190 Warning: No table config file found. Will try to load config from LedControl file(s).
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.190 Will try to load configs from DirectOutput.ini or LedControl.ini file(s) for RomName esha
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.190 Loading LedControl file C:\visual pinball DOF\config\directoutputconfig40.ini
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.275 1 directoutputconfig.ini or ledcontrol.ini files loaded.
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.275 Config for RomName esha exists in LedControl data. Updating cabinet and config.
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.290 Table config loading finished
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.290 Pinball parts loaded
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.290 Starting processes
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.306 Initializing cabinet
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.306 FT245RBitbangController Sainsmart 1 with serial number A906M30K has been initialized and the updater thread has been started.
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.306 Cabinet initialized
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.306 Framework initialized.
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.306 Have fun! :)
              2017.09.09 15:36:38.344 Connection to FTDI chip A906M30K established.
              2017.09.09 19:13:48.825 Finishing framework
              2017.09.09 19:13:48.841 Finishing cabinet
              2017.09.09 19:13:48.910 Connection to FTDI chip A906M30K closed.
              2017.09.09 19:13:48.910 FT245RBitbangController Sainsmart 1 with serial number A906M30K has been finished and the updater thread has been terminated.
              2017.09.09 19:13:48.910 Cabinet finished
              2017.09.09 19:13:48.910 DirectOutput framework finished.
              2017.09.09 19:13:48.910 Bye and thanks for using!

              Now this log reflects me connecting from DirectOutputConfigTester which sees my config and cabinet files just fine. The problem is when when VPX runs a table it doesn’t see the config or cabinet and I don’t get any log activity.


                Interesting. In sure you looked at dof options under preferences of vp? And b2s is not disabled in the preferences? Also your controller.txt you should look at to make sure it’s enabled in there too.

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                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                  Ok, I added a shortcut to the /config folder instead of the root folder and that did the trick. Nice to have that up and running.

                  Shaker works great but the chimes… not so much. I get about three dings and then the Sainsmart gets knocked out. Must be a power spike. Diodes are across the terminals correctly. Separate power supplies to the Sainsmart and coils. Any idea what to try next?


                    Great!! Yeah the shortcut is needed! If chimes cut out it must be power supply issue or bad or backward diode?

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                      I swapped out all the diodes just in case. The Sainsmart pitches a fit just being powered on with no chime diodes so I don’t think it is that.

                      If the chimes are powered down the Sainsmart keeps up with DOF no problem.

                      Could a chime power supply problem knock out the Sainsmart? <!–more–>




                        First of all the chimes are very cool! Great video.
                        Depending on what you are powering the chimes with yes it can be supply. Also how it’s wired can cause issues! Make sure grounds are common and your supply is good switching supply separate from pc with enough amps. I don’t use sainsmart but I would power the sainsmart with separate supply(not pc supply) and then power the chime unit with separate supply. There is option in dof for a delay by default it’s set to 1 I think and I use 3 but thAt would usually cause random firing not totally not working solenoids. Maybe show how it’s wired and supply’s your using?

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                        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                          Here is a look at the setup:


                          Wires are in a bit of a jumble from troubleshooting.

                          Should be enough amps to power everything. Swapping power supplies and I get the same results.


                            All that looks fine….I thought someone else was having this same issue just like a week ago or so and was a run as admin issue. let me look it up will report back :mail:

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                            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                              open global configuration editor in your directoutput folder and click on the Misc tab try changing the interval to 3.

                              If that still dont work it can really be only 2 things

                              A: a blocked .dll or exe not set to admin or doubled up b2sserver.exe in 2 locations

                              B: try a different USB pair for the sainsmart either 2.0 if currently hooked up to 3.0 or 3.0 if hooked up to 2.0

                              the thread i was thinking about was WRD’s random not working thread

                              DOF randomly not working when table starts

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                              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                                Quick follow-up for anyone that might experience a similar issue:

                                suggested a Power Filter Board from the Open Pinball Project. I order the parts and built it this weekend. Worked perfectly and solved my problem with DOF dropping out.
                                Thanks @borgdog and @randr for the help on this.

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