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  • truegamer25

      Hey there – sorry for long delay in replying to the thread!

      I’ve been having quite the battle with my 3D printer to get it re-tuned after replacing some of the lower quality parts. I’ve just about got it behaving finally, and am going through my backlog of orders. If anyone on here is interested in ordering, for now, feel free to drop me a message or email me and I would be happy to send over a direct invoice. My email is owner at doghousearcades dot com (sorry on the format, trying to keep any possible spambots unaware! ;) ).

      I’ll have a webpage for these up as soon as my dev team finishes it, and will of course be sure to update here when that happens as well, but I’m happy to take any orders in the meantime! :)


        I have them for sale, will update my website with more details when I can, but in the meantime, feel free to drop me a message if you’d like some – going to be ordering another batch tomorrow :)


          Hello all,

          I have helped get these beasties back on the market for any still interested :)

          in reply to: UltraDMD/Teensy/PinDMD v3 Conflict? #95110

            Ok – confirmed visually that the ultradmd tables are now loading and displaying properly on the PinDMD v3 – all I did was update both dmddevice.dll and dmddevice.ini in \visual pinball\xdmd with the files from dmdext, and configured the dmddevice.ini for output to the PinDMD v3.

            in reply to: UltraDMD/Teensy/PinDMD v3 Conflict? #95100

              I was pretty sure I had freezy’s dmddevice, but I’ll try looking at that this evening & re-download if necessary – I’ll update here if that fixes the troubles

              *Update-before-the-verification* – I THINK I might have finally fixed this, but will need to check when I head home this evening (yay remote access at work ;) I had the dmddevice.dll under \visual pinball\xdmd but with no dmddevice.ini file, so I grabbed the dmddevice I had for dmdext (which I’m pretty sure is Freezy’s anyway?) and the dmddevice.ini as well/configured it accordingly. I saw one table w/ Ultradmd enabled run properly, just can’t visually confirm if it was showing on the dmd till i get back…here’s hoping! :D

              in reply to: UltraDMD/Teensy/PinDMD v3 Conflict? #94886

                Sorry. No clue. Don’t have your hardware combination.

                I have a teensy with an Octo ws2811, a PinDMDv3, two sainsmart 8 ch. USB relays, and a Virtuapin Digital Plunger kit v3 for button/interface/nudge.

                I narrowed the issue down to only generating the “PindmdV3 not found” error when I have the teensy board plugged in, doesn’t matter what else is plugged in, and it only happens on tables with UltraDMD. Tables using ROMs & dmd displays from there are working perfectly fine. Hopefully someone who knows a bit about UltraDMD will see this and chime in :)

                in reply to: DOF and LedWiz, VP, FP, and addressable LEDS questions! #94857


                  I know this is a old post but what strips did you end up going with?

                  Can you share a link?

                  I asked Terry once as well – he went with 144/m led strips, and there are plenty of brands on Amazon. I had success making a matrix using two of these panels:

                  -You’ll also want to get a teensy & octo to make life simple; it’s going to be awhile before I make a real how-to tutorial but in the meantime there’s a thread right above this one (“addressable led for dummies”) that ought to help

                  in reply to: UltraDMD/Teensy/PinDMD v3 Conflict? #94855

                    Anyone have something for me to try? There are some tables I’d really like to play w/ DMD that utilize UltraDMD…

                    in reply to: Default Playlist on load, Media for sub-playlists? #93878

                      The current build is already awesome software to work with, i definitely look forward to the new build, sounds like it’ll be awesome :)

                      in reply to: Addressable Led for dummies? #93583

                        So, kinda pulled a dumb move on myself – i had the strips/matrix wired with ground to ground instead of to v- on my power supply. Once i changed that i was able to get full brightness, but i still dropped that down to 32 for most of them, only having 128 for the undercab. Its up and working, on to the next troubles. I promise i will make a guide some day ;)

                        in reply to: PinUP MENU – Automation Server Can't create object #93582

                          Thanks, I’ll give that a try and download the update for dmd access violations as well, seems i have that issue too. Now if only i could find someone in tje know that can help me with this ultradmd/teensy/pindmd issue  :wacko:

                          in reply to: PinUP MENU – Automation Server Can't create object #93575

                            Hey there,


                            I am running into the same thing now, once i enable use dof. It seems to be even fresh after an install, and checking that everything is unblocked in pinup player…any advice?

                            in reply to: Addressable Led for dummies? #92829

                              Well folks, that did it – I’m FINALLY seeing the back matrix functional – I’ve got to head out but i’ll update my note of my config once I am back, for any future tinkerers so they can get a sense of what I did. I still plan to write a nice “for dummies” tutorial from start to finish, but that’s going to have to wait until after i’ve actually had some fun playing tables with my fancy new MX layout  :yahoo:

                              in reply to: Addressable Led for dummies? #92823

                                Put GRB in place of WS2812



                                Thanks – I read the WS2812 was an option, I thought that is what I needed – I updated accordingly

                                I used:


                                to reduce brightness to 50%.

                                Linear0To64 would be even less.

                                I’ll give those a try for brightness – thanks :)

                                For power supply: I have feed power to every single module, not daisy chained them. (strong cable running below, going from board to board, once for plus, once for minus). Data line fed to module 1, 3 and 5. (data line daisy chained 1+2, 3+4, 5+6+7).

                                As said, to test if it is related to signal length, just reduce number of leds by configuration, no need to rewire. If it works better, consider rewiring.

                                Maybe that’s why my matrix can only function at 20% power – I haven’t even tested adding the side strips yet (to me the matrix is the most important part), but I have the matrix connected at the end direct to the ethernet wire (orange/striped) and a separate power tie-in on a red and black wire going to V+ and Ground, not to the V-

                                To clarify, do you have the teensy gnd to common ground, and your led strip black wire on V- ?

                                in reply to: Addressable Led for dummies? #92797

                                  …Nope, still doesn’t seem to be working. Here’s my config:

                                  <?xml version=”1.0″?>
                                  <Cabinet xmlns:xsi=”; xmlns:xsd=””&gt;





                                  <Name>PF Left Strip</Name>

                                  <Name>PF Right Strip</Name>


                                  <Name>LedWizEquivalent 30</Name>


                                  <OutputName>PF Left Strip</OutputName>

                                  <OutputName>PF Right Strip</OutputName>




                                  in reply to: Addressable Led for dummies? #92786

                                    Ok – so after a bit of hunting, I managed to find the WIP for DOF, seems to cover a lot of the info I was missing: – and for dimming, if I’m correct, the change I made on the dof config tool to custom brightness should take care of that – brightness settings in the top-right of the config tool. I’m going to test and see if it’s finally working – here’s hoping!

                                    in reply to: Addressable Led for dummies? #92710

                                      To calc max power need, multiply number of LED’s with 0.06. (60 mAh per LED when all 3 of them are on =white).

                                      Let’s say you have 100, so you need 6 Ah power supply. 1000 = 60 Ah. Oops, that’s a lot? Yes.

                                      Ironically, I have a 60Ah power supply for my build. If I need to I’ll pick up a second one for my side strips, but I added power at multiple spots on my matrix with the same low-power issue – I noticed the matrix gets brighter right at the interconnect – it’s two panels, so I think it’s just the integrated wiring. Anyway, glad to hear I can limit via DOF – I’ll want 20% power anyway. Still trying to understand and or see an example of what I put into what files though – there isn’t a configurator or anything for the fields I need to enter for DOF is there? Any chance I could get a screenshot or copy of your configs to try and sort that out?

                                      in reply to: Addressable Led for dummies? #92604

                                        I put my dof configtool files in my Config Folder —> C:\DirectOutput\Config

                                        Post your GlobalConfig_B2SServer.xml and Cabinet.xml

                                        I only have the examples – both of those files are blank otherwise (see below). I thought the configtool generated everything needed, is this part done by hand/manually entered?


                                        in reply to: Addressable Led for dummies? #92522

                                          Hokay – so guys, over the course of the weekend I made a slight whoops & burned out a teensy/octo, got a second pair that I managed to set up and configure a “successful” test with this evening – I had the back matrix working in the Adaftuit_Neopixel test, but only at approx. 20% brightness – it seems any brightness higher makes the display “crash” and show only about 1/3 of the led’s, in red, with sporadic led’s lit through the rest – like the signal isn’t getting to the far end. I also tried the strips at 100% and that’s painfully bright, so I’m aiming to configure at only 20% brightness anyway, for all of the strips. Out of curiosity has anyone else run into this issue and/or will I be able to configure only 20% brightness?

                                          As for the main/more important part of this message, I followed the screenshots above identically for the dof configtool, downloaded the configs and put them in my \DirectOutput folder, but of course the led’s aren’t working yet. I am sure randr’s configuration is different than mine, but I am at a loss as to where I need to put in my specifics for the matrix, and eventually the led strips – I know my matrix is 512 led’s (8×64), and the wiring of the matrix is in a up-down configuration, but I just can’t find any info on what I need to enter and where. If any of you could lend me some input on that, it would be much appreciated – I’m so close now I can taste it! …Though I should probably stop licking the matrix while it’s lit, huh… :wacko:

                                          -James aka truegamer25

                                          in reply to: Addressable Led for dummies? #91573

                                            Thanks for all the information thus far, i’m disappointed the LEDWiz isn’t the interface for the addressable led’s but now I know :)

                                            Anyway – for the purpose of understanding, and to be sure I’m getting what is needed – here are the items i just ordered:

                                            -Teensy 3.2 w/ Pins:

                                            -Teensy Octo Adapter:

                                            -For “quick connect” from teensy to the teensy octo:

                                            I have pretty much zero experience soldering (i tried and failed to solder a led strip matrix, that is all i have soldered), so hopefully this will be relatively easy to tinker with and solder properly. If I didn’t order the right items for the led’s, if you could let me know what else to get?

                                            I figure this thread will also possibly help someone in the future too – and when all is said and done I hope to compile a complete and thorough “for dummies” type guide to all these nuanced parts of building a vpin – in the meantime, again many thanks for all the input/help! :)


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