Tron Pup pack troubleshooting on P2K cab

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  • #165410

      I’ve been trying to get pup packs to work for quite some time now. In this testing scenario I’m using Tron and the end of line pup pack. I’m not sure that I ever got any pup packs working right.

      I have the first initial animated backglass working. When the ball goes in the arcade, it does the arcade animation but it doesn’t play any other videos.

      I noticed in the pup pack editor, the arcade video is activated differently.

      virtual dmd is on, freeze 1.7.1 installed, pinup is enabled in dmddevice.ini. Followed the install video again to ensure my settings were all correct. They appear to be. The only difference with my cab is it has flipy enabled.

      Should I be using a specific Tron table? When configuring displays, does it matter if I do full screen on my dmd monitor? I’ve preferred this for the front end to show the dmd’s correctly.



        Be sure you have “Use External DLL” enabled in PinMAME settings for all the tables that are using PuP-Packs. If this is not enabled for the table, then dmddevice.dll won’t be used, and pup won’t be used.

        Be sure your table is running in your Tables folder and not in a sub folder. The table needs to be run from the same location as B2s Server (which should also be in your Tables folder) or the pupb2s plug-in won’t be used.

        Above all, be sure none of the pup files in PinupSystem folder and VPinMAME are blocked by Windows, and most important, be sure you have Exceptions added for PinupSystem folder, and VPinMAME, VPX,etc. Be sure Defender or any other anti-virus was disabled while installing files.

        PuP-Packs should run with any table version (normally), as long as it’s using the correct rom that matches the pup-pack’s folder name.


        1 user thanked author for this post.

          All of that is done. I’ve setup a batch file that unblocks files from pinupsystem, visual pinball, dofdir.

          Is there any log indication that Pup is receiving properly from freezy?


            Be sure you are only using the 32bit version of freezy 1.71 and that it’s installed in the VPinMAME folder….not a subfolder. Do not have any other versions of frezzy installed elsewhere on you system that could be picked up instead.

            1 user thanked author for this post.

              You should have this file PUPLOG.txt in your VPinMAME folder
              But Not all puppack games create a log

              20200301 15:38:11 Open called
              20200301 15:38:11 Set Game Name thread trn_174h
              20200301 15:38:12 Start Thread Matching
              20200301 15:38:12 create PuPCap
              20200301 15:38:12 Init Game name:trn_174h
              20200301 15:38:12 Create Object Display
              20200301 15:38:12 imagedir:E:\PinUPSystem\PuPVideos\trn_174h\PuPCapture
              20200301 15:38:12 num images 98
              20200301 15:38:21 Free Object Display


                Also make sure you are using an english rom

                1 user thanked author for this post.

                  Be sure you are only using the 32bit version of freezy 1.71 and that it’s installed in the VPinMAME folder….not a subfolder. Do not have any other versions of frezzy installed elsewhere on you system that could be picked up instead.

                  I did see this suggestion on another thread. I went through and deleted even the ones in pindmd directories. Is there a registry key that references which one is used?


                    You should have this file PUPLOG.txt in your VPinMAME folder

                    But Not all puppack games create a log

                    20200301 15:38:11 Open called

                    20200301 15:38:11 Set Game Name thread trn_174h

                    20200301 15:38:12 Start Thread Matching

                    20200301 15:38:12 create PuPCap

                    20200301 15:38:12 Init Game name:trn_174h

                    20200301 15:38:12 Create Object Display

                    20200301 15:38:12 imagedir:E:\PinUPSystem\PuPVideos\trn_174h\PuPCapture

                    20200301 15:38:12 num images 98

                    20200301 15:38:21 Free Object Display

                    I do get this puplog created. The pup pack works to some degree, like the initial bg video and the arcade hole with does a different video. I think pup is having a hard time detecting the dmd frame that starts the next videos. Thats why I was pointing at my two settings which could be an issue, flipy (whatever the dmddevice equivalent is) and pupconfigdisplays has the whole screen set but the virtual dmd is much smaller than that. I was thinking this might be related and started testing that. I never got any further.


                      What is this –> flipy enabled


                        What is this –> flipy enabled

                        flipvertically = true in dmddevice.ini and flipy is used in the rom registry for games not using the virtualdmd.


                          have you tried disabling the flip to test if the videos start to trigger?  would be easy step to rule that in or out…


                            have you tried disabling the flip to test if the videos start to trigger? would be easy step to rule that in or out…

                            Oh wow. Immediately noticeable after changing the dmddevice.ini’s flipvertically = false. Is there anyway to fix this with it being set to true?


                              I’m assuming you have something unusual in your set up that you require that turned on


                                you’d have to ask in the dmdext github for a change request to send frames to pinup BEFORE it (dmdext/freezy) yflips.   DMDEXT already sends raw frames before coloring, so it probably isn’t too difficult for someone to change the code to send prior to any flipping too.

                                another option to try,  batch flipY all the bmps in pupcapture folder youself… don’t know what you’d use but as long as its the same size/format that might work.  (try with one file in pupcapture to see).



                                  I enabled both dmd’s. Pinmame has flipy enabled and virtualdmd flipvertically is disabled. Seems to be working although the virtualdmd sometimes has focus over the pinmame. Otherwise working out. Thanks for all your help.

                                  Video of cab with Tron Puppack





                                    Video of cab with Tron Puppack–UeHMw

                                    Nice cab! Probably would have been helpful to mention you were running a Pinball 2000-style cab in this thread though.


                                      another option to try,  batch flipY all the bmps in pupcapture folder youself… don’t know what you’d use but as long as its the same size/format that might work.  (try with one file in pupcapture to see).

                                      I found a powershell command that allows for rotate and flip. I did a flipy on all the bmp’s. They look correct. But when starting the table, the backglass doesnt start and eventually the table hangs. It stops hanging after I remove the trn_174h folder from pupvideos.

                                      I took the originals and opened with Paint 3d in Windows 10. I flipped the image then saved. I did this for a couple frames with flipvertically=true and it did fix the problem. Would be nice to have a script that could do this, I’ll keep looking for something.

                                      Tried a program called ImageBatch. It flips y. The images look like their flipped properly but dont work just like the powershell command I found.


                                        Thanks for this. I’ve never gotten a PupPack using DMD capture to work. I haven’t really worked too hard to make it happen until now, but at least now I know why I haven’t been able to get any of them working on my P2k style cab. I’ll point @freezy to this thread and see if he can fix this for us now that he is currently working on dmdext again. :good:

                                        EDIT: submitted issue at github


                                          In the meantime, I wrote a couple of bat files based on the FFMPEG converter tools by @TerryRed. Tested with the Monster Bash PuPPack and it seems to work fine.

                                          Pick up the tool set here:


                                          add the bat files to the tool set and use the same way as the other scripts.


                                            Follow-up here.

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