Dead bumper w/ slanted top mesh + textures

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  • #184613

      Here are a pair of dead bumper meshes, one flat/slanted top and one rounded.

      Includes the associated bumper skirt and ambient occlusion textures. You can paint directly onto the texture to add your art. I included a color sample since many caps have colored ornamentation. To color your own use the base AO texture and color over the area using a multiply mode in Photoshop to retain the contouring.

      4 users thanked author for this post.

        This is awesome.


        Would you consider making one like this with a rounded top? I’ve got a bunch of tables that could use one with the rounded look along with your flat/slant one.


          Would you consider making one like this with a rounded top? I’ve got a bunch of tables that could use one with the rounded look along with your flat/slant one.

          Hi @loserman76, no problem. The upload has been updated with a round top version, rubber and better skirt as well. I also included a sample texture for how to color your own caps since there are many colors available. The skirt and rubber are separate meshes for flexibility. Hope it helps!

          2 users thanked author for this post.

            Awesome. Much appreciated.


              Oh these are great! Thanks @bord for sharing.

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              So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
              for IOS and Android



                @Bord, those first caps you sent me were slant top also, just figured that out.  I took this one and the one I had before, and for Cue at lest, these were too narrow.  I used the other caps and the other body you sent me and made the bodies wider.  I can say that the more pics I get of cue the more homemade it looks.  It may have different bodies than normal.


                ill post a side by side so you can see tomorrow

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