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  • comicalman

      Okay, just to clarify I am trying to display pupdmd text directly on (pupscreen 2).

      I assume that you are saying that cannot be done with pupdmd FP, but is possible using pup BG and VPX \ scotty Wics table as an example.

      Current WIPs: Mystery??? Pup Pack, X-Files Pup Pack, Shrek Pup Pack, NHL Stanley Cup (FP + Pup Pack)
      Pup Completed: D&D Pup Pack. Tables Completed (all in FP): Shrek, Heavy Metal (MTV & Rowamet verson), NHL TableHockey, Nehwon
      Some say I have too much time on my hands, I say I don't have enough.


        Hey @terryred-

        Yes, I have reviewed some older code on VPX that simply writes to the Backglass.  Seems quite similar to FP’s version.

        However, I am still unable to just write to the backglass in FP.  Do any of your already released FP tables use this technique (or any other for that matter) to use a ‘font’ to write to the backglass in FP?  That would be most helpful as a reference!



        Current WIPs: Mystery??? Pup Pack, X-Files Pup Pack, Shrek Pup Pack, NHL Stanley Cup (FP + Pup Pack)
        Pup Completed: D&D Pup Pack. Tables Completed (all in FP): Shrek, Heavy Metal (MTV & Rowamet verson), NHL TableHockey, Nehwon
        Some say I have too much time on my hands, I say I don't have enough.

        in reply to: v1.0 #173698

          @zedixair Some things to check:

          1. There was an error in version 1.0, you can simply clean up this directory yourself (or download version 1.1).  Delete the following files from folder PupCapture: 1a.bmp, 13.psd, 13a.bmp, junk folder and Exactcolormatch.txt

          Apologies for this issue!

          Other things to check

          1. Did you put in your pupvideo folder under the name “dungdrag”?
          2. What version Pinup are your running (sb 1.4)?
          3. What version of vpx are you running (sb: 10.6)
          4. Have you tried the Help\Test in puppackeditor?  You can then Start the puppack and fire a test event for it (try D13 it is an attract mode video).

          Current WIPs: Mystery??? Pup Pack, X-Files Pup Pack, Shrek Pup Pack, NHL Stanley Cup (FP + Pup Pack)
          Pup Completed: D&D Pup Pack. Tables Completed (all in FP): Shrek, Heavy Metal (MTV & Rowamet verson), NHL TableHockey, Nehwon
          Some say I have too much time on my hands, I say I don't have enough.

          in reply to: Request for a Feature update #129426

            Just replying to a couple of your points:

            “… I also planned on doing a DOFLinx / PuP update to the Ultimate / Pro Edition of FP as well :) …”  => This site should consider a ‘WIP’ section for PinUP packs, etc.  This has worked very well on other sites!

            “…Many people have performance problems running with just up to 8 pup screens with pup-packs. You also have the issue of layering those screens and keeping that all working correctly….”  =>  I have seen the layering issue you describe with other tables, but I have not had the issue on this table so far. Most likely because it a small non overlapping size – ONLY used with images.

            “…Using transparent videos would result in huge performance hits…and also VERY large video files…” => Not talking about that at all.  Just static images.

            “…The biggest limitation with rom based tables in VP with pup-packs is you don’t have control over table events. So that makes it difficult to track correctly what to keep displayed for things like characters…”  I was to trigger these via PupCapture. (Additionally, these could be triggered by a Switch – I would think a switch would be most reliable).

            “…trying to do too much beyond what VLC can tolerate…’ => Again, the updates I am talking about about are NOT using VLC, but PupOverlay.

            “…“Wanting” something for pup is not the same as the practical reality…” =>  I appreciate the caution, just trying to push the envelope here.  I am of the belief to try and experiment with something, push its boundries even.  Otherwise nothing new and interesting would be possible – just like PinUP!

            Thanks again for everyone’s efforts!

            Current WIPs: Mystery??? Pup Pack, X-Files Pup Pack, Shrek Pup Pack, NHL Stanley Cup (FP + Pup Pack)
            Pup Completed: D&D Pup Pack. Tables Completed (all in FP): Shrek, Heavy Metal (MTV & Rowamet verson), NHL TableHockey, Nehwon
            Some say I have too much time on my hands, I say I don't have enough.

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