Reply To: Independence Day (Sega 1996)


    hi, it’s a great table though there must be something wrong with that alien head for capturing balls.

    Now it opens every time I press right flipper button so it opens up with the fliper in up position and closes when it goes down, no such behaviour on the real machine.

    on the real machine to lock the ball we need to shot the alien head x times and then head opens up and waits for the ball to enter it and then the ball is locked and it closes.

    while in this vpx version all we need to do is shot the head, no matter ball locks in or not we got lock and so it’s too easy to start multiball.

    check this version here: it works like it should be in that matter.

    more investigation, I’ve commented out the SolCallback(34)=”OpenAlien” in line 51 to disable alien head opening and even it that moment I’m able to lock the ball just bu hitting the head… something is not right there.




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