Reply To: Jaws Ultimate Pro – PinEvent




    I have had a cab of my own for over five years now, i had visual pinball and fx2/fx3 on it, but until now I had resisted the swan song of future pinball.  Welp, your postings of these pupevent tables and all of the video work that you have done to explain its usage has indeed pushed me over the cliff and future pinball et al is now on my cab.    Besides saying a heart felt thank you thank you thank you for introducing me to the future pinball/BAM world, i gotta ask myself what was i think avoiding future pinball when there are so many great tables on that platform that i never knew about.

    Thank you again, never think that all of your hard work goes unnoticed, myself and i am sure several people on this site know how much your work has improved our personal cabs at home.

    YOU ROCK!!! :mail:




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