Reply To: Future Pinball and BAM Mega-Guide by TerryRed (DOF, PUP, SSF, VR and Front-Ends)


    Hi  Terry, you finally convinced me to install FP and BAM for my VR-only system.  Your guide was very straightforward and helped me get everything up and running very quickly.  It was late last night so I was only able to try a couple of tables, but was pretty blown away by the quality of both Aliens Legacy and Indiana Jones in VR.  Thank you!

    Two questions/issues:

    1. Is it possible to map the BAM Home key to a joystick button?  The top of my PinSim has a 4-way joystick and 6 buttons that map to joystick button 1-6.  I use one of these in VPX-VR to reset my view – I’d like to do the same w/ BAM-VR.
    2. Indiana Jones table looked a bit strange in VR.  The angle of the table looked completely off – like it was almost flat to the floor.  Resetting the view with the Home key (F12) didn’t change the angle at all.  Any ideas what might be wrong here?

    Looking forward to playing with this some more this evening, and eventually getting DOF/SSF working, as well as PUP and PinEvent.

    Thanks for being such a cheerleader for FP.


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