Reply To: Halloween Ultimate Pro – PinEvent


    This is a dummy plug monitor.

    I received my dummy plug today and got Halloween looking the way I wanted!!!


    Thanks TerryRed!!!



    Perfect! That’s exactly how it’s supposed to look and work.

    Be sure you have:

    – Future Pinball Video Settings in FULLSCREEN now (not windowed), and vsync enabled
    – don’t run Borderless Fullscreen programs
    – remove any pupinit.bat from the PinEvent pup-pack folders you may have been using

    Future Pinball should now run MUCH better, and you don’t even notice that pup is running in the background! Just be sure to close FP each time you exit a table before reloading or starting another table.

    Since you are streaming two streams from the dummy plug… you are better off not streaming the pup backglass (PUPSCREEN2) at all (since halloween and retroflair doesnt show any videos on the backglass with fulldmd pup-packs). This will give you better fps on the FullDMD.

    Jaws is the only one you benefit from by having both the pup BG and fulldmd streamed, since it has videos on the pup bg. So you can use PinEvent Custom settings for Jaws in the table script to enable both only for that table.


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