Animated Backglass

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  • #214363

      Hi Guys, I luv this site – the information provided here is awesome -really could not imagine doing this project without it.  I am a noob and making my first cabinet, so far so good – I have spent a lot of time learning about Visual Pinball, mostly from all you pros here.  I think I am at a good point now and i have my tables working great with pinup popper. I have been using the Media manager to download my missing files for playfields, wheel and backglass – so far so good.

      Most of my tables do not have a corresponding .directb2s file but I do have a lot of downloaded .mp4 animated backglass files from popper – my question is –

      Is there a way to have the .mp4 attract backglass files stay on while you are playing a table ?

      Right now – I see the attract backglass in the popper menu for every game, but when I go start the table, the backglass disappears, then upon exit to the menu it comes back – would like to keep this on while playing if possible ?

      If I set the force backglass on option in the game manager for a table, the same thing happens except the screen stays Black, then reverts back upon exit –

      I am using Win 10, installed all components successfully per nailbuster install, Visual Pinball X, pinup player, B2Server, 3 screen setup

      Thanks for your help –

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