Any way to get back to the initial screen configuration setup?

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  • #87587

      I do have 2 more questions.

      First I have a screen issue – backglass is not showing in pinup (shows fine in games) nor is the DMD showing anything in pinup (again fine in games).  I am positive this is a simple set up issue (i.e. I did something wrong in the steps).  How can I get back to that original setup screen after install where you have the list of things (BG, DMD, PF, Menu etc etc) on the left and set the size and position on the right side?  I am betting that is where I did something wrong unless some has an easier way for me to correct my issues.

      FYI I am running 2 screens (PF, BG) and then real DMD (pindmdV3).


      Second – I am sure this is a dumb one but will ask anyway.  Media wise for things to show up in pinup menu – PF, BG, wheel logo etc – we need to record these items right?  Or has this been done already for most games and we can DL things.  I see some pup packs on the site but I think they are for changing how a game runs (like TerryRed’s tron).


        1>  pinupsystem folder there is a batch file like configdisplays.bat

        2> super easy and best to use PinUP auto-record on all your tables, but you can use existing media if you’d like.


          Thanks NB I figured there was a way just couldn’t figure out what it was.  Will fiddle with things tonight when I get home.

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