Big Bang Bar vpx beta

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  • #1936

      Hey ninuzzu has submitted to me a vpx conversion of my bbb table. it combines my original table with the models from the fp table.
      Rom has given me permission to use his models and i’d like to thank him for that.

      How do i go about uploading it here


        well this is a nice surprise…. you can do a reply in your WIP and upload it… and randr or fren will add it to the VPX table downloads…

        looks sweet!!


          i added it to the downloads section. i’m not getting the submit a file form when i tried that way. so it should be available in the vp10 section of the downloads


            I’ll have to give this a try tonight. Thanks boss!

            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android


            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android



              Awesome can’t wait to give this a try later tonight..

              Thank you Scott. :-)


                Wow! Thanks ninuzzu, uw, and rom. Great one!

                Punch it!

                Punch it!

                Pinball Shawn

                  Great looking and playing game. The ball rolling sound is way too loud however. I see where it is in the code, anyone know how to change the code to lower that sound? I’m not sure what the numbers represent. I was going to tinker with it today, if I figure it out I’ll post a fix.

                  Phil Docker

                    In the past on a couple of games that had loud ball sounds, I extracted the ball sounds from the games library as .WAV files. Put them into Adobe Audition (Audacity will do the same job) – and physically reduced the volume in the individual files.
                    Then re-imported them one by one.

                    It is time consuming doing it this way.

                    In VPX you can turn the ROM volume and other sounds volume up separately. But I am pretty sure this is common for all games.

                    It is a shame nobody put a ‘mixing desk’ module in VPX programming so volumes can be changed on each game, but it is not really a major problem. Maybe I will put a suggestion in to VPforums.


                      Ah no the VPX ball rolling sound routine is really easy to modify
                      Find the line like this in the script…

                      Vol = Csng(BallVel(ball) ^2 / 2000)

                      change the number 2000 (or whatever it is in the table you want to modify) to a higher number. I think 2000 is default, it’s probably a lower number than 2000 if you think it’s too loud.

                      Punch it!

                      Punch it!

                      Pinball Shawn

                        This one is odd, this is the script:
                        1619 -Function Vol(ball) ‘Calculates the volume of the sound based on the ball speed
                        Vol = Csng(ballVell(ball) ^2 / 1)

                        I tried to alter the second number into the decimal, like .25 even like .025 but it has no effect on the ball rolling sound. Near the end of the script is JP’s Ball Rolling Sounds, but there is no script like you mentioned.


                          With the line

                          Vol = Csng(ballVell(ball) ^2 / 1)

                          if your trying to decrease (make quieter) the ball rolling sound, you’ll want to change the 1 to for eg 10


                            I suggest setting it to something simple to see what you wnat for highs and lows.
                            Set VOL=10 for example — see what that sounds like, then VOL=5 then see what that sounds like.
                            You may find that volume is verry narrow in what is good and bad.. I know I posted a completely different function for vol since the difference between good and bad had nothing to do with an Vel^2/x function. I tried to find some reason for such a function. I never found an answer.


                              Changing line 1620 to the following should quiet it down to a normal level:
                              Vol = Csng(BallVel(ball) ^2 / 2000)


                                Which line number should I edit? Have tried a couple of things but has zero effect?


                                  Good job Unclewilly.

                                  Just search for Vol. It should be the first to come up. It will look something like this.

                                  Vol = Csng((BallVel(ball)*0.3 + 4)/10) ‘ Loud version


                                  Vol = Csng(BallVel(ball) ^2 / 2000) ‘Quiet version


                                    Yeah sorry, I did it on purpose


                                      The problem with changing the line Vol = Csng(BallVel(ball) ^2 / 2000) is that it not only changes ball rolling sounds, but if you scroll down a bit in the script it also changes rubber hits, target hits etc. assuming the table author is using them. What I have been doing because I like a loader ball rolling sound in my em tables (since often it is the only sound and it really is loud on real tables) is change the line in the rolling sounds routine that plays the rolling sound. In BBB line 1759:

                                      PlaySound(“fx_ballrolling” & b), -1, Vol(BOT(b) ), Pan(BOT(b) ), 0, Pitch(BOT(b) ), 1, 0

                                      I just add a multiplier to the Vol(BOT(b) ) to for example Vol(BOT(b) )*2 That way it just effects the rolling ball sounds and you don’t get insanely load rubber/metal/post hit sounds as well. To be honest I’m not sure what is the best value for that, or even what the range is, but it seems to work.


                                        So for the loud ball noises what should be changed and where? Tried a few answers here but not seem to get any real difference. What did people find for a good number?

                                        Love the table, just the ball noise gets on my nerves



                                          You can take whatever is there and tack on say * .7 .. try that or go lower or higher. Seems each cab/setup is a bit different.


                                            Open the script, go to line 1620, where it says
                                            Vol = Csng(BallVel(ball) ^2 / 1)

                                            and change it to

                                            Vol = Csng(BallVel(ball) ^2 / 1000)

                                            Default is 2000, if you decrease it the volume is louder. 1 is too much
                                            Try a range between 500-1000. Line 1774 must be changed too.

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