Cannot start VPX

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  • #227539

      Hello. First off, Thanks for all the info, tutorials, and community, it literally makes this available to anyone.

      My problem.

      Pinup popper will not start VPX. I have managed, through reading other posts and comments, experimenting, and copying other scripts, to get Mame, Pinball FX3, and Future Pinball running. Mainly by trying to understand and reading multiple posts. I cannot, for the life of me, get Popper to start VPX. I have tried various scripts and adjustments and I keep getting the following error. I apologize in advance as I do not know how to create or run scripts…yet. I have included my settings for VPX. It will start fine through the shortcut in the Visual Pinball Folder or Desktop shortcut, and popper performs fine for all other emulators.

      Any advice or general direction is appreciated.

      again, any help is appreciated.


        Sorry. I think I posted this in the wrong area. My apologies. I am unsure how to delete this.


          strange.  never heard of that before.  everything out-of-box should work untouched.  Did you change it for any reason? or did the default not work?

          Only thing i can come up with if you’re running a strange language? in windows or some unicode type thingy where vpx/script can’t see the quotes.

          make sure if you copy/pasted that the ” are correct and not unicode.

          1 user thanked author for this post.

            Thanks so much for responding. After my original install there actually was no script whatsoever in the VPX area. So I started going through and searching online for the VPX script codes. After searching for a while I came back and the codes had filled themselves in which seemed really weird to me. I won’t guarantee that I maybe didn’t screw things up somehow. Subsequently, Those ones didn’t work and I have been having this issue ever since. I have tried multiple scripts. I might just reinstall the entire pinup system again and see if it works.

            Thanks again for the awesome software and for answering my post!


              Btw, thanks too for the suggestion. I did try copying and pasting from multiple locations and put it in notepad first to check out for any mistranslation.

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