Can’t Map Custom Buttons in VPX

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  • #223800

      Does anyone know why custom button mappings in VPX won’t save anymore for me after I try to map them?

      I am amazingly close to finishing up another table which utilizes an extra ball button on my cab but I can’t map it since VPINMAME needs a button assignment. I was trying to assign the extra ball button (keyboard press “2”) to “Button 1” in VPX and then assign Button 1 to the extra ball buy in feature.

      However, VPX won’t let me assign any custom buttons. I also clicked override defaults at the bottom but that didn’t change anything.  I also tried deleting the registry keys for the custom buttons and while they reset after the registry keys, they do not save once I close out of the config menu in VPX.

      Any thoughts?

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