Checking ROM Files

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  • #107995

      I am curious if there is a way to check all ROM files to ensure they contain everything needed? It was by accident earlier that I noticed that the Twilight Zone ROM didn’t contain the sound files that VP was looking for. I had to combine 2 ROM packs to get everything needed and it got me thinking how many of my other ROMs are missing files.

      Thank you.


        It sure is. Clrmame pro pr. example does this. You have to look at Pinmame like any other mame. VP is running on top of VPM. VPM needs to be happy in order to get VP running perfectly. This hobby consist of more than a few moving parts – that constantly changes. Even roms get updated from time to time, though most of the time new ones get added or VPM is improved to support the old roms better. Typical example are those well known Gottliebs that doesn’t exists :) LOL .. No need to change anything that works “perfectly” – if there is such a thing.


          Interesting. Do you happen to know of any tutorials here for checking ROMs? I have never setup a MAME system so I am quite unfamiliar with this.

          Thanks for the fast reply. Still figuring out how to get my b2s glasses on my second monitor btw :wacko:


            Well. It is more advanced than setting up a second monitor. No offense, but, I think you should stick to one problem at the time. I’ve actually given you the correct answer. VPM is no different from MAME. So, look up on MAMe related guides if you need to plow away at the issue right away.


              romcenter,  I like this over CLRMAME Pro because of the nice GUI


              make sure to download version 3.71 ;  the latest beta errors out when you try to generate a DAT file from PINMAME


              you can select individual roms

              everything in

              green:  all bin files are accounted for

              yellow:  some of the bin files might have incorrect name,  or a missing bin file can be pulled from another zip file

              red:  a bin file is missing (most often you have to re download the rom)


              at the bottom of image you can see that 146 of my zip files are missing bin files.  but those are samples.

              PINMAME wants you to include those in your roms.  but most samples (mechanical sounds) have been

              phased out,  and if they are still present (used)  they are imported into the table file.

              their is no need to import a  “slingshot.wav” into all your roms.


              see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it

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