DirectOutput Toolkit (DOTK)

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  • #225494

      Hey everyone,

      While trying to understand DirectOutput mechanics, i spent some time developing a tool which maybe could help some of you creating/maintaining Dof setups.

      I called it DirectOutput Toolkit (DOTK).

      It’s totally standalone but based on DirectOutput framework, so should be as wysiwyg as possible.


      It has almost everything needed to create DofConfigTool compatible commands, still some export features are missing (directoutput defaults, variables, conditions, rgbsplit…).

      It’s not using any of your DirectOutput files, everything is recreated/downloaded locally in the tool directory.

      You can find release on my git, documentation is included in both English and French.


      And there is a little demo.
      I also made a few tutorials on my channel.


      Hope this could help.




      PS : I would like to thank all contributors of the amazing DirectOutput framework & all those who gave me constructive feedbacks during this little dev.


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