Encoder and Virtuapin

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  • #224696

      Hi there, I’m new here, just looking for a bit of advise please. I have and wanting to setup the Virtua pin plunger controller for the plunger and tilt/nudge and a encoder for all the buttons flippers etc, I know there is a way of having them all on the virtuapin board but out of ease or I’m hoping ease using both.

      Is this possible and do I need any additional software as I can get them both to work separately but not when they are both plugged in, this is with also using visual pinball x for now once I e got it working with this I will be looking into other softwares.

      Thank you



        I am using the VirtuaPin Digital Plunger v3 in my cab.  It works pretty good but the nudge/tilt take a lot of tweaking to get just right.  This is understandable.  Each cab is different.

        Besides the plunger it has the ability to be a controller for all your buttons.  The plunger needs their config utility.  That’s it.  Windows recognize the controller as a gamepad.  The same as all of these control boards.  You then just configure in VPX, VP9, FP, etc.  I suggest you go to VirtuaPin’s websites and download the instruction PDF.  I also found YouTube videos that cover this.

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