Exiting Older B2S EXE Backglasses

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  • #13440

      Hoping for a little help with this, when I go to exit the older B2S.exe backglass files by Rosove, my backglasses will not automatically exit because of the following. I know on my last cabinet was using a Nanotech plunger, i set the exit for Pinball X and Visual pinball using the esc key which worked fine. On my new cabinet I am using a Zeb Plunger and the exit is hard coded to the Q key. I have seen reference to a shutdown command needed in this case, but not exactly sure what needs to be done and how to do it. There is a few oldies i want to bring over into my new cabinet

      Any help is appreciated :bye:


        Well couple ways to make this work but first try adding this to end of table script

        Sub Table1_exit()
        Controller.Pause = False
        End Sub

        (Usually most tables are always named table1 so give it a try)

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          Okay I tried inserting that code, when exit the table i get the following:

          Line 1451
          Variable is undefined ‘Controller’

          Which is the Controller.Stop line, it also stopped on the pause line first, so i blocked out that line. The table in this case is table 1. It is Ghostbusters_2011_B2S that I am trying this on


            Could do ahk script to press esc key… Let me search a bit I use esc for exit so works as it should. I know there is a way I just don’t recall off hand. Maybe Fren can chime in

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              You can’t just set the exit key in VP to Q? That would solve it, I mean if the ESC key worked before. I’ve got Zeb’s but didn’t do anything different and I have several Rosve tables (and other b2s.exe tables) on my cab

              Punch it!

              Punch it!


                Sorry, Actually Zeb’s exit is coded for the keyboard E, not Q as I stated before. I think the problem with the old B2S.exe back-glasses is they need the “esc” button pushed to exit the back-glass. I agree that the “esc” key would be the easy answer to my question, but I don’t think you can change the input keys on Zeb’s plunger?? I guess I will email Zeb to see if there is a way to change his button input to the “esc” key? If it can be then all will be good, although if anyone has another idea I’m always willing to try it out.

                Thanks again


                  So you tried mapping E in pinball X for exit? And in vp?

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                    i saw that the other day on a table, i didn’t test myself but it should work fine, no need to assign a special key or whatever

                    Sub Table_Exit()

                    Dim WshShell
                    Set WshShell = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
                    WshShell.Run “taskkill /F /IM “”Fireball_B2S.exe”””,0,true

                    End Sub

                    put that at the bottom of the script, if the init of the table is sub table1_init for example, it must be sub table1_exit , and you need the right name of your exe in the “” , and vp must be in admin mode i guess


                      Okay got it fixed, I had Pinball X still mapped with Q and visual pinball with E, also I had the disable “ESC” key checked off… Just working on the new computer and setting up games. Once I saw RandR’s key mapping suggestion I realized what i was doing wrong. Thanks Arngrim for the code I may need that in the future once i put my these tables back into my lists.

                      Thanks for everyone’s help with this :yahoo:


                        Glad you got it sorted out! Now next problem ;)

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