First try using this on desktop having issues.

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  • #221377

      Before I attempt to build an entire cabinet, I wanted to make sure I can at least get this software running.

      So far, I can get tables up and running okay, they look fine. But for the life of me, I can’t get the “start” key to work. It defaults to the 1 key.

      Things I’ve noticed:

      1. My mouse cursor doesn’t show up over any VPX user interface. Truly strange
      2. I get an error when the table first starts:  Machine 'cycln_l5' (Cyclone (L-5)) terminated before initialized, check the rom path or rom file!
      3. Then the table seems to start up fine right afterwards.
      4. I can “insert coins” with 3,4, and 5 keys.
      5. I can pull the plunger with Enter
      6. z and / will “nudge” the table.
      7. BUT! 1 — the key mapped to “Start” — does NOTHING. There’s no way to start the game.

      I’ve tried a bunch of stuff, but no dice. Remapping the keys. Other tables. Random things I’ve found in forums. Reinstalling VPX. etc.

      OS: Windows 10
      VPX version 10.6.0 Final (Revision 3788, 32bit)



        Update: It seems disabling Preferences > Video/Graphics Options... > "Force exclusive Fullscreen Mode" causes my mouse to render properly over the VPX UI.

        Still unable to start anything though.

          I also noticed that in the script for the table I'm trying to run, the start key doesn't seem to be handled at all, but that's probably a red herring:
          Sub Table1_KeyDown(keycode)
            If keycode = LeftFlipperKey Then FastFlips.FlipL True : FastFlips.FlipUL True
            If keycode = RightFlipperKey Then FastFlips.FlipR True : FastFlips.FlipUR True
            If keycode = PlungerKey Then Plunger.Pullback
            If keycode = LeftTiltKey Then PlaySound "nudge_left"
            If keycode = RightTiltKey Then PlaySound "nudge_right"
            If keycode = CenterTiltKey Then PlaySound "nudge_forward"
            If vpmKeyDown(keycode) Then Exit Sub
          End Sub

            It sounds like you don’t have a ROM for your table. There are 2 elements to VPX for solid state tables, the table that you see rendered on the screen, which is wired to an emulator behind the scenes running the game program (ROM).
            Pressing 1 is telling VPX to tell the ROM emulator (VPinMAME) that you pressed the Start button on the cabinet. But without a ROM, it’s just a lifeless table.

            You’ll want to find the ROM file (don’t think I can link them, but Google the ROM name), and put into the VPinMame/roms folder.

            1 user thanked author for this post.

              So this is progress. I now don’t get the error for cycln_l5 being terminated. The 1 key still doesn’t do anything… but hey, I like progress! haha. There’s also now a display window that says FACTORY SETTINGS, that is a replica of the score board.


                Alright! It’s working. I had to restart the editor after I updated the rom files. :) Nice! Thanks! This gives me a lot more confidence about building a machine cabinet!

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