Flickering DMD

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  • #221637

      Greetings. I’m installing the table that must not be named but is about fighting supernatural beings. I have the table working and playable, but the DMD is flickering, where custom colors are enabled or disabled. I have freezy 1.8.0 installed and working with color roms on other tables.

      I read that this issue can be fixed by using the 1.7.1 version of dmddevice.dll in the VPinPSA folder. I’m honestly not sure if I have it installed correctly. I created a folder in vpinmame called vpinspa, and copied the 1.7.1 version of dmddevice.dll but it doesn’t work. I ran the installer for vpinspa, which is currently placed within my vpinmame folder and it doesn’t seem to fix anything. However, if I replace the dmddevice.dll file within the vpinmame directory, the dmd does work, but will I encounter any issues running freezy 1.8.0 with a 1.7.1 dll file?

      In sum, I can fix the dmd flickering by deleting the dmddevice.dll within vpinmame itself, and replacing it with the 1.7.1 version, but when I try to do what others have recommended, which is leaving the 1.8.0 dll alone and instead placing the old version in the vpinspa folder, it doesn’t work.

      I hope I’m explaining this ok. Any pointers would be great, and I guess if I have to, I can just downgrade my entire freezy setup to 1.7.1, but would rather not do that.



        If you figure out a way to work around the issue. Then, just let it be. I believe that flickering is reported as an issue on github, and it will most probably be fixed sometime in the future.


          Thanks for the reply. It does seem like everything is working fine by just replacing Dmddevice.dll from freezy 1.7.1, and it seems like all of my other tables are still working. I guess my question would be if I should downgrade the rest of my freezy files to 1.7.1. The freezy install comes with Dmddevice.ini, dmdext.exe, etc, and I still have the files from 1.8.0 installed. Should I just replace them all with 1.7.1 files so everything is from the same version?


            If you remove VPinSPA from your VPinMAME folder and put all of it in your VPinSPA folder with Freezy’s 1.71, then you can use 1.8.0 in your VPinMAME folder for other/newer tables. You will have to run the setup again for VPinSPA after moving it to register in in that folder. That should fix your problem permanently.

            Have Fun!


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