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  • #227551

      Hello from Ontario Canada.


      I have just started in the last month or so to get into visual pinball. It all started from seeing one of Terry’s videos. I started looking and was intrigued enough to buy an used PC and try it out (I normally use Macs). I ended up getting Visual Pinball started after watching video’s from this wonderful community. I have loaded Future Pinball, Mame, and Visual Pinball 10 and frankensteined a set-up together (Lots of learning from Terry’s Videos). After playing with it with my Son, I went further and built a small cabinet.

      I have included pics of my mini-cabinet. Its coming along nicely and I have learned a ton. I will probably build another ‘Dream Meachine’ after I figure out how to complete my Pinup Popper front end – Thanks for the awesome software Nailbuster. Thanks so much everyone for all of your hard work and dedication. Once I have everything running, I will start rating tables and such. I just wanted to thank everyone for all of their generous donations of time and dedication. I dont want to just mention the two people that I have because I have downloaded, played , and used files from so many others, as well as read comments n the forums. Big Hello and Thanks to all!

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