…in which bord starts a shitlist

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  • #137389

      I haven’t been into virtual pinball for very long. I started over at vpforums and eventually found the other sites. I like this one the best.

      I have read many old threads and it gives me a good understanding of how this scene works. I have my own opinions but they don’t matter because I dont have the skills or the time to create these masterpieces. I greatly appreciate all who have put all the blood sweat and tears into making virtual pinball what it is today.

      I welcome all new tables and updates to old tables but give credit where due and respect others wishes regarding their own hard work.

      Coming from an outsider’s perspective and not having any history in this scene besides what I’ve read. It seems to me that Noah Fentz who I am assuming is Paul meant what he said.

      Hi my name is Barry and I'm a virtual pinball addict.

      Hi my name is Barry and I'm a virtual pinball addict.


        The only reason I am here randr is because this site at the very least honors and protects copyrights and intellectual property if that author so wishes. I know vpf doesn’t, because I still see that blank post after 10 years.

        Words are just words, words can lie, but actions always tell the truth. Right?


        Latest projects and rants at My Facebook Page
        Latest Project: fpxEngine Table Builder


        Latest projects and rants at My Facebook Page
        Latest Project: fpxEngine Table Builder


          :wacko: Man what a crazy week, first Randr turned 75, then the Australians stealing out tables, now the beef with Paul has been reignited, what’s next, Bally gonna show up to take all their roms back?


            It has been an interesting week to say the least.

            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android


            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android



              I’ll add on this: I’ve always noticed that Pin2DMD mentions are automatically replaced with the “stolen IP, not-legitimate product”… pointing instead at something he sells out of his shop. Conflict of interest much? I can understand caution given that ColorDMD has also accused Freezy publicly of infringing on their stuff, but when you’re selling one of the products that has accused him, it’s bad optics at best to have that auto-replace feature doing that. Doubly so that you literally couldn’t mention the other sites except as an aside for those in the know, I’m always skittish when sites basically ban talking about “competitors”. I’d actually gotten enough of a vibe that I took the time to track down a vintage widebody lockdown bar rather than order a custom lockdown bar from him. My husband and I have had involvement in fandom for decades, I’ve developed something of a sense when a merchandise dealer isn’t quite as kosher as they let on.

              The only two things he really has at this point is that it’s still (for now) the home of Visual Pinball (it’s really the only place you can interact with the developers), and that there’s still a lot to be had there related to it. Lots of backglasses, many tables, many examples, but it’s also become less and less useful as a place to deal with VP outside of the engine itself, especially if you want some of the more interesting techniques. You can’t really download any front ends there (we have him beat here on that, and PinUp gives us so many great additional options on top of it), and pretty much forget the ROM files, VPU has him completely over a barrel. And I’d not be shocked if it turns out that the way things have been ran over there is part of why UltraDMD seems to be dead in the water at this point in terms of development.

              Creator of the first PinupPlayer PostDMD mods for VPX - PostDMD for Masters of the Universe VPX and Jaws VPX.
              Head Proprietor of Pisces Pinball, a VPX table developer.
              Lead Technician of MC Chase Amusements, a private arcade in our home basement.

              Creator of the first PinupPlayer PostDMD mods for VPX - PostDMD for Masters of the Universe VPX and Jaws VPX.
              Head Proprietor of Pisces Pinball, a VPX table developer.
              Lead Technician of MC Chase Amusements, a private arcade in our home basement.


                Oh now what did Paul do?  Hmm do I want to read a childish rant like he makes every 6 -12 months about everything should be at VPF??  Nah I have better things to do.

                As always this site has 99% less drama, and darn it we are all too old to be involved in high school drama BS



                  my question to Paul is, if Bord doesn’t have a right to choose only one site to upload his work to, then he should be asking JP why he doesn’t bring his stuff over here to publish it.  Seems like a double standard to me.  I actually got scolded by him one time, I was asking ICPJuggla permission to use his resources for Rambo, and during an email back and forth I accidently pressed reply and it went to Paul.  I said I upload to VPB and ICP agreed and Paul got pissed.  I told him straight out that his site wasn’t up to the standards that VPB was and he needed to put some work in to get it there.  I still go over there every few weeks , if I want to find an outdated B2S or a vp8 table, but this was my home…Randr is my new idol!

                  The Loafer

                    I just logged into VPF to check out one of my fav thread (VR) and I saw the shit show.  Wow, now he’s ok with hosting unauthorized mods because of the disrespect of the community and because some authors post their tables exclusively at other sites.

                      The Loafer


                        That’s from 2017, it’s considered old news


                          I’m sincerely sorry, bord. I never intended to steal your thunder and I respect and enjoy your talent. I only started-out trying to get Hotdoggin’ working a few months ago and when I fumbled my way to success, I turned my eye toward other broken tables. I can’t begin to remember where I downloaded my hundreds of tables from – and I didn’t know that it mattered.  Anyway, I’ve managed to fix a whole bunch of broken tables and learned that there’s more than one way to skin a cat with lighting. My exposure to your side of the fence had been zero up until 2 weeks ago.  I tried to track down the source of the tables to check they were free to mod, and I know yours wasn’t. One night I got some rare motivation and thought it would be good to try and share the working tables tables with other folk, so before I slacked-off and forgot it forever, I tried to select a tranche of tables that I could remember making significant changes to, and started screenshotting. I’d been farting around with your table the night before, and mistakenly included it with the rest.

                          But,  I gotta say, I had no response to anything before I did this and now my inbox is full of all these famous names.

                          I’m not chasing notoriety and people are free to play the broken versions. I’m just trying to give back and fill-in the upload forms as best I can.

                          BTW, the “bigusmod” thing wasn’t my idea. I was just trying to follow instructions. NFI

                          I certainly never meant to bring down the empire :)

                          So,  I’ve still got a bunch of fixed tables that I haven’t uploaded yet, but I’m not sure I should bother anymore. I’m not that committed and I don’t want to bust-up the party.


                            @bigus1, don’t lose sleep over it. I don’t for a second think you are ill-intentioned. Hopefully some of today’s events illustrate why I wasn’t happy having my stuff, even modded, over at VPF. To be honest the level of vitriol over it caught me by surprise, too. It has been illuminating, though.

                            You can always contact me here if you have questions about mods and I have no doubt we’ll get along fine.

                            As for the rest of it… :negative:


                              I wrote a complaint but it doesn’t belong here. I retract. I think Paul has had an overwhelming year


                                @bigus1, I and many others appreciate your work on outdated and broken tables. Please dont get discouraged. I’m sure you have learned a lot in the past day. Just go through the proper channels and work with the creators of the tables. Continue to release your work. It’s up to you if its worth it or not but IMHO the community needs people like you.

                                Hi my name is Barry and I'm a virtual pinball addict.

                                Hi my name is Barry and I'm a virtual pinball addict.


                                  I wrote a complaint but it doesn’t belong here. I retract. I think Paul has had an overwhelming year

                                  I’m not always successful but a personal credo has always been:

                                  “Be kind. Everyone you meet is carrying a heavy burden.”

                                  No doubt behind every keyboard are personal battles and turmoil that no one else sees. But strife also can’t be a free pass to treat others poorly.


                                    Anyone know Javier? I’d like his blessing to upload a mod of his excellent Hook table. I’d noted that it said free to mod but just want to make sure that’s cool with him. And if he cares about where it’s uploaded. I can’t seem to find a way to contact him


                                      Never mind – got him. I think you’re gonna like this one :)


                                        Alright, I think everything that needs to be said has already been said without everyone just adding their own personal anecdotes of VPF nightmares.  I could easily add more gas to this fire but I just want to douse these flames while we’re ahead and put the focus back on what’s important – all of us making and enjoying vpinball to the best of our abilities.  Let’s leave Paul and his drama over at vpf and get focused back on what makes this a great site/community.

                                        There are so many positive things we can focus on instead without letting this fiasco steal the spotlight, so with that said, what’s everybody looking forward to or working on?

                                        Flupper’s TOTAN is looking amazing, though I wish he’d make the leap from vpf to here but that’s his prerogative,  I’m looking forward to that since TOTAN is one of my top 5 favorite tables.

                                        G5k & 3rdaxis Flintstones (which I’ve provided 3D help for) I’m really looking forward to as well since I couldn’t be happier with this teams development of Flintstones and this is a top 10 table for me.

                                        So for myself I’ve got two great tables to look forward to, though they may be a ways off from being 100% complete it’s always good to have something on the horizon to look forward to. :yahoo:




                                          TOTAN has some jaw dropping visuals. Definitely looking forward to that one.

                                          I know 3rdaxis and g5k will do a great job on Flintstones. Not a favorite table of mine, but if the physics come out anywhere near The Addams Family, I’m sure I’ll love it.

                                          I’m personally looking forward to Genie. Bord has some great new resources and we all know what he’s done with Space Shuttle, Pinbot and many others.

                                          Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

                                          Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.


                                            Yea don’t these guys know you at least have to call it a 4k mod before you can upload it somewherenswer else???

                                            Punch it!

                                            Punch it!

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