Led Strip panel too bright

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  • #197231

      I just installed a panel of leds in my cabinet (4×30) leds and I find it wayyyyy to bright. I can’t even play anymore because of the constant flash in my eyes B-)

      It there a way to dim the led strips?

      One possible solution is them behind a black semi transparent film, so they aren’t visible when off. Anybody with a solution like that?



        I think I remember @terryred did that with his new setup with the tinted panel in front


          Yes, I used tinted plexi in front of my led panels…but also used some security screen which helps with keeping reflections off the TV too.

          You can also adjust the brightness of the MX Leds in your DOF Config Tool settings on the Port Assignments tab. The “Ledstrip Flasher” will change the brightness of your MX Leds….even though its not listed as MX…that’s what it is.


          Here’s a video where I talk more about it and show you the differences.:




            That looks really good with the privacy screen! I’ve already covered both DMD and the back led panel with plexiglass, so it’s easy to just apply the privacy screen to it.

            Great video! Just what I was looking for. And thanks for the tip on the MX leds also!



              Just applied some privacy screen and it looks much better. When off the panel is completely black and you cant see the white leds behind.

              The brightness of the leds was reduced a little, but still to bright for my taste. Using your second tip I reduced the MX brightness a little and I think it’s perfect now





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