NW Pinball and Arcade Show pics

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      Kriss and I headed down to the show and got there shortly after it opened this morning, and there were already 15-20 people in line to play Big Lebowski.  It was that way the entire time we were there, and while I watched a couple people play from time to time as our wandering brought us near I never did want to wait in the line, so never did play as the line only got longer.

      After about 4 hours or so the crowds were so thick you had to squeeze between people to get anywhere and we had our fill of stranger contact so we bailed.  Maybe next time we’ll figure out how to go Friday afternoon or Sunday and hopefully not have as many crowds.

      Here my ugly mug concentrating on a mean game of Beat Time.  Note the empty row behind me, this was right after we got there, had our pick of em’s and early ss machines.


      Here is the better half in her Vpinball gear kicking my tail at TAF.


      More to come later.


        Nice! Your wife is a good sport  :good:  those shirts look nice. I hope you got more photos of pins and stuff! I bet I got busy!

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          She mostly likes the older games (me too), she doesn’t like the ball disappearing behind ramps and such, and all the crazy flashing lights.  I’ve been keeping an eye out for a table like Diner or Taxi something in that generation that’s not quite so busy as newer tables.  We played both Taxi and Diner at the show, along with Bad Cats and Mousin’ Around which all fall into that category.  The most fun we had was actually on Count-Down and Buck Rogers, which I thought Buck Rogers was a lot of fun and had more going on than Count-Down, might need to keep an eye out (there is one for sale near for $1200, bit much).

          Didn’t take as many pics as I thought, but here is a couple overview shots of the em section in the background… note the predominate attendee- middle-aged, overweight, white guy.



            when I did my vp Gemini table with the rusty apron and dirty playfield Hauntfreaks remarked that he would like to do a “rat rod” vp table sometime.  I think I found the perfect specimen.  Unfortunately populated, and as tempted as I was I just couldn’t pony up the $50 for something I wouldn’t know what to do with, but I figure being the graphics guru he is haunt can make something from this.  I do have a few closer pics too if you want them HF  :good:



              I’ve had worse! Lol very cool.

              classics are the best for sure I like Williams 80’s-90’s the best

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              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                OK, so trying to remember this one game we played that we both liked. Older game, but don’t even remember if it was SS or EM, had 2 lower right flippers but only one left one, and had a wire rail between the 2 right flippers  so that unlike games like sinbad the ball could not go through the space between the flippers.  Anybody have an idea?  Kriss seems to think it had a 2″ flipper higher up on the left as well, but i’m not sure.  Wish I had taken more pictures of games we both liked.

                shhh, don’t tell Kriss I posted this one :)



                  Not sure of the game but she looks like she is having fun! Great picture :good:

                  speaking of the flipper deal I love it when people loose a ball when they hold flipper up on older style pins really makes for good competition.

                  I had several people ask me today what my vpb shirt was about and I only went to Home Depot, menards and dinner.

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                  Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                    when I did my vp Gemini table with the rusty apron and dirty playfield Hauntfreaks remarked that he would like to do a “rat rod” vp table sometime. I think I found the perfect specimen. Unfortunately populated, and as tempted as I was I just couldn’t pony up the $50 for something I wouldn’t know what to do with, but I figure being the graphics guru he is haunt can make something from this. I do have a few closer pics too if you want them HF :good: 2016-06-04-11.00.08

                    I had Big Brave in my room as a kid!!


                      and I have all the art ready to go for a Beat Time VPX (I did the redraw for the VP9)
                      you just let me know borgy  ;)


                        Beat Time was OK, just happened to be when I thought to take out the phone/camera.  B-)


                          So no digital machines at the show?

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                            there was 1 vpcabs machine that I saw and someone had a mini at a booth.  I played with the vpcabs machine a bit, was loaded with 80 or so vp9 tables.  meh, nothing to write home about, the design is kind of cheap mame cab t-molding covered cheesy artwork, the flipper buttons didn’t feel right.  displays looked OK, not having a plunger and only a launch button for that kind of money.. like I said. meh

                            the page you linked to in the preview thread has been updated with lots more pics and a video tour as well.




                              Ah Ha!  Just watched the video tour and figured out the table we both liked.  Williams 1984 Laser Cue.


                                Jeezus that place looked packed! What a show. Wow

                                id punch this guy in this picture if I was there. Lol


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                                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                                Jim Martin

                                  when I did my vp Gemini table with the rusty apron and dirty playfield Hauntfreaks remarked that he would like to do a “rat rod” vp table sometime. I think I found the perfect specimen. Unfortunately populated, and as tempted as I was I just couldn’t pony up the $50 for something I wouldn’t know what to do with, but I figure being the graphics guru he is haunt can make something from this. I do have a few closer pics too if you want them HF :good: 2016-06-04-11.00.08

                                  That hurts my heart a little bit! Big Indian was my first Pin… Nice picture :good:


                                    I did punch that guy….hes not pressing charges but I had to promise to never come back to nwpas….


                                      I did punch that guy….hes not pressing charges but I had to promise to never come back to nwpas….

                                      Hey, there is Nate! I thought you fell into a 3D universe never to return.


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