Pinball Magic vpx

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  • #18789

      I would assume your scripts are not current or not in scripts folder.

      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
      for IOS and Android


      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
      for IOS and Android


      Jeremy De Reu

        i just update them today and there are current.. :(


          Amazing! Been waiting for PM in VP for years!

          Looks fantastic, and is loads of fun :)

          Played a few games and I have a few bugs to report (in a helpful way!)

          I get a stage malfunction warning on the DMD on game start.
          While I did have about 10 fine games I did get balls stuck between the shooterlane and the hat having hit the left ramp while the lock was not lit. If I shake the table I can see them moving around. Eventually it ball seeks but can’t find anything.

          In shaking the table I also found I can’t get warnings/tilt

          And… the left sling seems to fire the ball down the right outlane 8/10

          Any more info you need – let me know :)


            Thank you UW, looks brillant.

            Phil Docker

              Sorry Uncle Willy – I did not know about your move !!

              But just downloaded the WIP and going to put it in the cab tomorrow evening when I get home from work.

              Its 11pm in the UK now – so will report back

              Many thanks.


                Thanks for this fantastic table, looks great!  :good:

                I noticed after finishing the game, the flippers still work so I can still play the ball left.

                But hey, it’s WIP. Very pleased with your work!




                  Yeah capcom has an issue in vpm where the flippers always fire I’ll add something to that to eliminate some of those issues.

                  Phil Docker

                    On the original the ‘skill shot’ is a little easier – the game seems to play maybe 10% quicker than the real McCoy.
                    Seems to drain alot down the righ (which it doesnt do on the real game), and the kick back does not launch the ball into the top hat every time – maybe an inch higher.
                    Very impressed with the pop bumper – that reacts identical to the real pin.

                    Lighting is excellent – but when I turn it to maybe 30% on the day/night mode slider the GI seems over bright.  Can the GI be ‘dimmed’

                    Love the wand too = you have that working bang on!

                    Will the ‘full’ version have Direct Output???
                    Well done – even as a WIP it is better to how I imagined it.  I know you  talked about this being your first VPX release (and was maybe going to be bundled up with it?) if I can remember the conversation on another forum…   It really has been worth the wait.
                    Thanks for the time you put in to the community.



                      Thanks for working on this.  It looks like it’s a tough one to find good references for.  Based on my lack of skill and looking at the only couple youtube vids I could find…


                      rotating Primitve34 objRotz = 51.  This helped me with the left kick out being more consistant.

                      Change the timer value on DoorT to 5. This quicker open/close seems to match the vids.

                      Upped the friction on Wall5 to .3. This was for my own sanity on the fast loop shots.

                      I’ve never seen a real one so I can’t vouch for anything, but it looks great and seems to play quite well to me.  Nice work!



                        i’m working on the dof and updating the script for it, it’s almost done, i have some issues with putting the gear motor to the elevator, wand, and door, i’ll share it soon ;)

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                          Arn,  can i just paste your script in?

                          Ill work on some fixes and add sliderpoints suggestions and get some more gi done and upload another version soon


                            I just copied arngrims script changes to my mb wip and seemed fine. Thanks Unclewilly for the wip really enjoying it and will be great to have DOF with it! :good:

                            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                            for IOS and Android


                            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                            for IOS and Android



                              here’s the updated script:


                              i didn’t change outside the script except the plunger speed, 1 is too much, something like 0,3 or 0,4 is fine

                              i was confused by the solelevator which goes on for no reason i thought, but now i get it, it goes down to prepare the ball to arrive when we start the mode that will raise the evelator with the ball, so before that and at the launch of the table, we hear the gear, it’s the elevator preparation ;)

                              i have quite some stutters, it is highly noticeable when we launch the ball and it does to loop of the ramp, and the ball goes down the right ramp from the up right of the playfield, and sometimes the ball goes off and is stucknear the hat

                              love these “recent” tables, i’m wondering if there are other recent like this that we never done before, they are fun to work on and to enjoy in the end


                                Thanks, I’m guessing line 322, it should be POFOn instead of DOFPon


                                  Thanks, I’m guessing line 322, it should be POFOn instead of DOFPon

                                  That is, it should be DOFOn with a “D”!


                                    oups, sorry i fixed it in my cab and forgot to update back on my laptop before sending


                                      and i also forgot one E call, here’s the script fixed for both miss




                                        Wip or not, this is a great table and enjoyed many many games from it already!  Thank you for your time and effort Unclewilly :yahoo:


                                          Gonna take a spin! Thanks for the WIP Unclewilly!


                                            I’m loving this table too Uncle Willy. Thanks for all your efforts. It plays very true to the original table. The only thing I’ve found that could use tweaking would be when the ball exits the stage into the single pop bumper. It always hits the pop bumper once and rolls out of that box. In real life it can get stuck in there for 10 seconds or more. I think the surrounding rubber needs more elasticity to make that happen. Other than that it’s been playing beautifully. My buddy has one of these locally if you need anything as far as resources or testing or whatnot. Thank you so much!


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