Pinpup player EXE issue

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  • #181711

      Hi Guys-

      I am a super noob- I followed Major Frenchys amazing tutorial on youtube and was able to get player working- All the tables load and launch from VPX and FX3- it looks amazing.

      I think my issue lies with windows 10 possibly.  the only way I can get Pinup Player to load is after I restart my computer, and only through pinupmenusetup exit and launch.  After I Exit player and return to windows, I am unable to launch player again.  I have made sure that all of my folders are unblocked as well as added an exception to my folder where my pinup system is.  When I click the pinupplayer launch i get a quick windows circle like it wants to launch but nothing happens.

      The only other issue I have is control mapping- (once I do get player going)- Which button should I map to exit a table?  I am using “escape” for exit emulators and system menu and it is closing player completely-

      I think I am only 2 issues away from being able to get going-

      any help would be greatly appreciated! – Thank you





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          Thank you !!! all good Now… I appreciate the help

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