PinUP Popper/PupDMD FX3 new!

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  • #137498

      FYI. if you are having any issues with DMDEXT and FX3. Ive just added to Popper/PuPDMD its own FX3 dmd interface.

      So if you are using PinUP Popper frontend you can easily use the new FX3 dmd-driver thats built into it. works with both lcd or real-dmds.

      initial testing is going well and people may prefer it over the dmdext. Poppers fx3 DMD should be brighter and i added my own filter to the shading. See video:

      see here for instructions on config:


      1 user thanked author for this post.

        This new way of mirroring the DMD works great for FX2 and FX3…

        Is it possible to extend It so other emulators can be mirrored and/or games?

        But I still have the problem where the Aliens puppack will not close whether DOFlinx is running or not – Tried 6.81A and 6.31

        What triggers the puppack?

        Thank you for your hard work and dedication to this hobby!


          Aliens puppack is known prob….working with DDH/Doflinx to see how to get it closing.  Also prob with fx3 SSF for  many using latest doflinx.

          1 user thanked author for this post.

            This new way of mirroring the DMD works great for FX2 and FX3…

            Is it possible to extend It so other emulators can be mirrored and/or games?

            But I still have the problem where the Aliens puppack will not close whether DOFlinx is running or not – Tried 6.81A and 6.31

            What triggers the puppack?

            Thank you for your hard work and dedication to this hobby!

            For anyone who may be having issues with the newest DOFLinx 6.81A and have issues of either Aliens pup-pack won’t close, or SSF pup-pack seems to not always work…

            Try a clean reboot…then try your first FX3 table. If PuP SSF, MX Leds, etc works…then when you exit back to your front-end….WAIT at least 1 min before trying another FX3 table / pup-pack! Do this each time.

            I have noticed that it can take up to 1 min for a pup-pack to close out with DOFLinx 6.81A for whatever reason. I have passed this on to DDH69 to see if he can figure out what is going on.


              Hi guys

              I have updated to the new files and followed the installation steps for Fx3 PUPDMDControl and DOFlinx v6.82

              and off course now the Backglass and DMD does not work any more. I placed the DMD in Fx3 settings at my LCD position

              7680 vertical and 0 horisontal and with the DMD size 520×136.

              I start Popper menu as normal… game starts but no Backglass and no DMD?

              any Ideas




                I ran the registry.bat file and now the Aliens pup pack background works but no videos and still no DMD…

                I pressed the WIN +Tab button to see if the DMD was active any ware but no nothing…?

                I have been trying all day to get it to work but no…





                  I got it to work (see popper facebook)
                  but I still strugeling with the size

                  I cant make it fit the DMD screen
                  see picture…

                  any sugestions?

                  Now I notised that if I  start another table in FX3 I get no Backbox image?

                  Even after restart when I try a different table in FX3 I get a windows background on the backbox.

                  Now with this new PUPDMD should I also enable backbox reposition in FX3 menu?




                    Do you have Freezy working?
                    Make sure you have your pinup player Display for the DMD configured for full screen




                      Yes I had it working with DMDExt

                      But I wanted to try with this new PUPDMD variant… and when it wont work I wont let go  :-)

                      So I wanted to know why im getting such wierd result…

                      I have a look at your suggestion after I made dinner to the family ?

                      Thanks again for the support…

                      You can follow the testing on the popper fb page?

                      under Magnus Olausson


                        What I did is Followed the instructions here

                        Removed DMDEXT

                        And replaced it with this – I only added these two lines

                        cd /d "C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME"
                        start /min "" "PUPDMDControl.exe" FX3 PINUP\[GAMENAME]


                          Looks and works pretty good for FX3, only issue I’ve noticed is that when I return from the menu it holds the last capture from the game. If the score is up it will remain till I go into another table and start a game.

                          Thoughts? solutions or things to try?

                          Appreciate the hard work!


                            “return from menu” ?  you mean go back into popper?  why wouldn’t your Popper DMD videos startup when you leave a fx3 game and start browsing in Popper?


                              Looks and works pretty good for FX3, only issue I’ve noticed is that when I return from the menu it holds the last capture from the game. If the score is up it will remain till I go into another table and start a game.

                              Thoughts? solutions or things to try?

                              Appreciate the hard work!

                              Looks great for FX3/FX2 DMD — It would be nice for if it would work with other games …. Don’t know if that’s possible

                              I have the same thing
                              I am using a pin2DMD and it does not clear the screen when you quit the game
                              I do not use the pin2DMD for videos only for the DMD
                              Using PuPDMD with FX3/FX2 DMD



                                @outhere.  it would be pretty easy to add support for ‘mirroring’ of other game windows.  Which ones were you thinking that have a separate dmd window like fx?

                                as far as not clearing the screen.  That really should be up to the dmd driver.  When i call ‘close’ to the driver IT should blank out on its end.  I mean the workaround is me sending a black full screen before closing but that shouldn’t be the workaround.

                                but why not use the dmd during popper menu?  @thalamus has a nice set of mp4s for real-dmds that look really good on the frontend.  or just a static PNG in there would make it a non-issue when coming back from fx.



                                  Which ones were you thinking that have a separate dmd window like fx? — Cactus Canyon Continued

                                  I use the DMD window for the LCD monitor Between the BackGlass and Pin2DMD



                                    Hey Nailbuster,

                                    To clarify – from the main menu game selection when you first look at a game it shows the DMD properly and the video that I’ve loaded for pinup popper. When I launch a game and play it, the game shows the DMD properly. I exit out and back to main menu it then hold at the exact second I log out of the game and stop the game. if I look through other games it still continues to show that locked DMD screen. When I log into another game it will clear. Almost as though the exit out or the kill script isn’t working correctly.

                                    I use the pindmdv3



                                      @jbitonti  when you exit back from fx,  if you alt-tab is fx3 completely closed?  the pupdmd will auto-close with fx3.

                                      the only other idea is that theres a timing issue between closing pindmd3 and re-starting dmd back in popper when closed.

                                      on fx3 closescript :on the pupcloser.exe line add another parameter on end like 3   (this will wait 3 seconds before starting your popper dmd).


                                        Hi guys. I’m trying my best to get this working but I’m getting a “popper install not found” error. As far as I know I’m completely up to date. Can anybody offer me some insight into the solution to this? I would love to have a dmd screen on my fx3 games finally.


                                          You have Pinup player and Popper all installed and working

                                          Do you have Freezy working – You need part of freezy for it


                                            Yes I have been using the pinup frontend for awhile now. All of the vpx stuff works as it should, but I cant get the fx3 dmd to work. I’ve upgraded to the latest version and unzipped the pupdmdcontrol into my vpinmame folder. I’ve set my dmd size in fx3 to 520×136. I’ve changed the launch script. I keep seeing the posts so I decided to mess with it a bit. I’ve got a dmd3 if that matters.

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