Popper FPS?

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  • #218193

      Made the jump from PBX to Popper and it truly caters to my OCD and I’m enjoying it thoroughly so thanks to the authors for doing a bang up job!

      My question is about the Framerate inside of the front end.  I run 144fps in VPX pegged, and in PBX I was getting 144fps….curious why Popper seems locked on 30fps.  I understand the videos/recordings are 30fps, but the wheelbar should operate closer to my desktop or 3d managed settings as it overlays everything, correct?



      I decided to change the resolution of my desktop to 1080p vs 4k and readjust all screens in PP.  No luck…still capped at 30fps.  Also decided to turn off every screen in PP having JUST the wheel…the program yelled at me it couldn’t find the wheel so I had to turn that screen back on, but again…30fps.  Decided to set a custom profile for poppermenu in Nvidia CP.  Nothing turned on…same FPS.  The FPS do not vary either…just parked on 30.  I’m stumped.

      "Fuck this game. I love it."



        The smoothness of Popper’s wheelbar is more bound to CPU speed and has nothing to do with GPU.

        That said… I don’t think Popper is locked in at 30 fps… but the wheelbar doesn’t move at 60 / 120 / 144 fps using the GPU for movement in the same way PBX does.


        The bottom line is… you can’t make it smoother than it is if it’s not struggling, etc…BUT if you are not using 4K wheelbar with a 4K screen or HD wheelbar with HD screen (you need the matching media) then that WILL cause Popper to run not as smooth as it should because of how Popper scales the Overlay / wheels.


        In the next main update (1.4.6 which is beta right now), Popper will be using full alpha for wheels and wheelbar / arc images.


          @TerryRed Man, I’m glad you showed up!  So still on the testing front.  Here are some shots of it in action. Using the T-Arc .png (red) and have even tried ditching it with just the wheel.  I run 4k so the image is 2160×1080.  Using Fraps, I checked each screen for the PUPDisplays (individually in the screen adjustments section) and all are pegged at 24 in each window respectively which is what the videos are encoded at, so nothing odd there, but then I fire up Popper and get this:

          Locked at 30 and wheel is sluggish compared to your videos.  I looked at some other users’ Popper wheels and its seemingly a mixed bag of like yours (smooth) and like mine (sluggish.)

          Just for reference here is the baseline snapshot with TeamViewer even eating up a bit of power:

          And this….GPU on Popper load is sometimes just slap pegged to the top.  :unsure:

          I would ask if VLC could be the culprit, but I’ve tried turning each PuPdisplay off other than the wheel.  I’m going to head over to the wiki and grab the Beta for shits.  Very curious.

          "Fuck this game. I love it."


            You definitely have something on your system causing an issue.

            Your GPU should be almost asleep when running Popper as it barely even touches the GPU normally (I have a GTX 1080 and it snoozed while running Popper in 4K)

            One reason it would be increasing GPU is if you somehow made changes to VLC settings or installed / updated vlc to another version (not recommended). Newer version may use the gpu which may or may not cause problems. The version installed in the Popper folder only uses cpu. If you had another version of vlc installed…then it’s settings may have caused unwanted changes to vlc settings that will effect Popper’s vlc version as well.

            Even then though… I can’t see it effecting your GPU THAT much… so chances are its something else on your system. Don’t have any kind of overclocking apps running as those tend to cause issues.


              So….gotta give it to you Terry for sticking with me here.  To address the GPU even at 50%…I am using HW decoding in VLC so with the 4k vids and 4 screens going total, I’m not that surprised at the GPU usage…the 100% is once in a while and honestly, may attribute that to TeamViewer because it’s always in beta and trying to do dumb shit ‘optimizing.’

              I need to close this out and say that I’M THE IDIOT here.  Remember when a Higher Millisecond Value isn’t better?  I have some scripting lines, and this one…

              WheelUpdateMS=x (default 30, range 30-99) Speed of moving wheel images on bar.

              99 ISN’T BETTER, FOLKS.  Fuck, I’m stupid.  Probably the beer.


              Working fine now.  Again, Man….Thanks for your support and contributions.  (btw…you got my vote for at least one of the categories B-) )


              "Fuck this game. I love it."

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