Popper Recording BG instead of Playfield

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  • #214507

      Could someone explain how Popper hands off the display parameter to the batch files for recording?

      When I try to record my playfield it is actually recording my backglass.

      I thought I followed the details on this page correctly:


      However that is the behavior I am seeing…I’d really like to understand how it works (as well as fix it! ;-) )

      I’ve included my log files, but I honestly couldn’t determine how it decided which display to record.  I’m sure I am missing something, but I cannot see it!




        Logs look fine….the logs shows that you selected to record your BG, not your playfield.

        In popper frontend did you select to record playfield from the table/game menu?


          I did it from the front end…I presssed space bar to show the icons to add to favs and record…Thrn I selected Record playfield.

          I tried this with two tables…

          does this mean my record playfield icon is mapped to the wrong function then?

          thank you!!


            @nailbuster any ideas why the button would record incorrectly?


              @nailbuster I just tried this again and now it’s recording the topper instead of the playfield!

              how does the recording know which screen is which?  When I run config displays it’s the rights displays and my pups abd tables are working….


                Is it normal to have 2 icons for record dmd too??



                  I pulled the zip of Popper and extracted the Recordings folder (in case something was messed up)… I updated my start recording bar for gpu…same behavior…still not working as expected…



                    need to isolate the issue.

                    delete the subfolder recordings subfolder completely.

                    grab the recordings subfolder from popper.zip install and don’t touch anything in the subfolder…leave all as default (ffmpeg).

                    try and record your 3-4 screens manually in popper and see if that works with default ffmpeg and settings.

                    if yes.  then setup/focus on your issue of setting up obs/gpu afterwards (which is 99% of the time the issue).

                    (the uI in popper is fine, and doesn’t change based on contents/setup of the folder).

                    another item,  if this is a new install.  check your pinup controller settings that you don’t have one key setup for two-functions that may affect this.


                    1 user thanked author for this post.

                      Thank you @nailbuster!

                      so it is an issue when setting it to gpu!

                      with it set to ffmpeg it seems to work fine. I changed this because I have a 4K playfield, high end video card and the record was hanging when trying to record these tables.

                      I’m still not clear as to what in the gpu settings would cause this?  Shadowplay setting maybe??

                      If there is no way to figure that out I may leave it on ffmpeg until I see another issue….

                      my cab is newer and I run a Pinscape board.  All the other recording options seemed to work fine in gpu mode it was only the playfield which was screwy….

                      thanks again for taking a look and the guidance!


                        i started doing some Shadowplay searches and it seems to be a known issue that it may record the wrong monitors….

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