problem with record option

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  • #83336

      Everytime i want to record the playfiled, a big virtual DMD is shown on the playfiled. (i have a real pin2dmd screen in my cab)
      in the popconfig i have disabled all the DMD options bit still it shows up (only in recording mode) how can i disable this DMD?

      Hope someone can help..


        your b2s or dmd is setup wrong….

        you don’t realize it but you always have that DMD showing, just you don’t see it because you’re running VPX in fullscreen exclusive which covers it.  in record mode vpx is not run in exclusive so thats why you see it.

        check your dmddevice.ini you prob have virutal dmd enabled.  or it might be your b2s, so you have to right-click on backglass and hide dmd.

        this is not a popper thing, so no need to change anything in popper.



          I checked both the B2s screen and it is hiding the DMD. Also the dmddevice.ini shows [virtualdmd]
          enabled = false

          When i start the table without popper and run not in exclusive full screen, no dmd is shown. when run form popper (record function) it does show the virtual DMD





            hmmm…  the only difference in running in record function is that an added parameter is sent to vpx to ‘disable exclusive fullscreen’ on the command line.

            popper doesn’t control displaying or showing a virtual dmd…  it is either dmddevice.ini (check your whole drive, as you may have many on your system).  or b2s.



              I checked both the B2s screen and it is hiding the DMD. Also the dmddevice.ini shows [virtualdmd]

              enabled = false

              When i start the table without popper and run not in exclusive full screen, no dmd is shown. when run form popper (record function) it does show the virtual DMD

              When running the table you need to hit F1 to bring up your PinMAME settings, and make sure you don’t have any DMD setting enabled.

              “ShowDMD/Display Window” must be unchecked.


              1 user thanked author for this post.

                I fixed the issue. I deleted my DMDdevice.ini an recreated it. Now the dmd is hidden.


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