Pup packs for Mame games?

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  • #165455

      I’ve got mame running fine within popper and I really like how the marquee for mame roms look on the dmd during game selection.  I want it to look the same while playing so I made a simple pup pack for one of my mame roms as a test.   I made a 1 second MP4 of the marquee and created a puppack with that video set to the DMD with force on.  The pack tests fine within the pup pack editor and displays the marquee on the DMD correctly, but when I launch the game in popper I dont see the dmd video.   Is there something I need to add to the mame launch script to trigger pup player at game launch?  I have the puppack in the root of the pupvideos folder “C:\_VPinball\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\raidenu”  and in there I have the 3.pup files and a “Background_DMD” folder that contains my 1 second marquee video.


      and this is the code i have for mame launching

      START “” “[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe” 2 2 10 “Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator”


      cd “C:\_Emulation\_Emulators\MAME\MAMEUIFX .217\_mame”

      START “” “mame64.exe” “[GAMEFULLNAME]”



      Is there something I’m missing to just having a simple video on the dmd for mame roms?


        No need for PuP-Packs for this.

        In Emulator settings for MAME, for “Keep Displays On”, you would enter the Popper screen numbers you want to keep on while playing. this can be any combination you want.


          Sounds like you want it for Every mame game that would be what Terry put up
          Go to game manager on the left pick the game and on the right – keep displays on


            That works perfectly, thanks!

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