Sopranos Pup Pack

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  • #192568

      Hi all,

      I have the Sopranos table working but would like to use the pup pack as well, and I am having some trouble with it.

      1. I downloaded “The Sopranos (Stern 2005) freneticamnesic 1.0.vpx” and renamed it “The Sopranos.vpx”, and put it in the Tables folder.

      2. I downloaded the Sopranos rom files which has 21 different zip files.  I’m unsure which rom file to use so I copied them all into the VPMames directory.

      3. I downloaded 3 Sopranos pup packs: sopranosTopper.rar, sopranosTopper3.rar, and sopranosTopperDMD.rar.  According to the instructions, SopranosTopperDMD is for those people who only have a playfield screen and a backglass screen (I only have one monitor so I assume this is the one I use), so I installed this one in the “PuPVideos folder”.   I also tried installing the other pup packs just in case, but again, the videos didn’t play.

      4. “Const cGameName = sopranos” so I renamed the “SopranosTopperDMD” folder in the PuPVideo folder to “sopranos” (as well as the other two when this one didn’t work).  There was already a “sopranos” rom file, in addition to the other 20 rom files, so I left it as is.

      I’m new to the community, and this is all rather confusing.

      I DO have a pup pack working for Stranger Things, Medieval Madness, Back to the Future, and Bugs Bunny Birthday Surprise, so I believe I’ve installed the PinUPSystem correctly.

      Does anyone have any suggestions as to what else I should check/try to get the pup pack working? Thanks if you have any further guidance!


        I don’t run pup packs. But, what I can tell you. Don’t change cgamename – it needs to match pinmame’s name for the machine. And that is also the name of the rom you need with the zip extention. That should be put in the roms folder. The rest, well, can’t really help you about the pup, but, because of the rom being named sopranos, then the folder for pup videos should be named the same.

        21 zip files ? What did you download and from where ? And, well, don’t put anything except tables and backglasses into tables folder is my advice. Not at least until you understand why this is a bad idea in the first place.

        Oh, and, this is better asked – in the support topic for the pup pack if such exists.


          Thanks for your response and guidance.  I downloaded the 21 roms for the game from here:

          Should I only download the rom where the name matches the cgamename, in this case “sopranos”?  I did try this already but it didn’t work, however maybe I missed a step or something wasn’t aligned, so I will try again.  And yes, I’ve also read where you only put the table and the backglass file in the tables folder, so thanks for reinforcing that.

          I see that there’s a “PinUp System” forum so I will post in there.  Thanks again for your help!


            LOL. No, it is fine. It is just that I never go here or vpf for roms anyway and that is kind of collection of roms, not, the regular way to distribute them either. If one of the roms is faulty the whole archive is kind of faulted. But, I’m sure they are ok in this case. All those should be extracted so they becomes single zip files named like I explain. You probably don’t need them all though. Without looking I’m sure there are difference language versions of the roms in there. Not that, I collect all roms myself, even though I don’t play them all.


              Here’s what all the rom files are, if that makes more sense at all?  Hence my confusion!

              download (1)


                Ok, I got it working.  I downloaded a different version of the .VPX file (Stern 2005) and the pup pack worked fine.  :)


                  Hello, I too am new to this but used the guides on this forum to set all the essential software up. This pack doesn’t work for me either. This is the Exact  problem I have been trying to figure out for a few hours now.

                  Do you have a link to the table you used to get this working.

                  This may be the first table that I just give up on


                  I also have about 8 other games using PUPlayer that all load fine.
                  Does anyone have this working with The “Sopranos (Stern 2005) freneticamnesic 1.0.vpx” release Or am I using the wrong table as well.


                    I actually never got the full pack working.  After awhile I gave up because I thought it may have something to do with the fact that I’m using a single monitor, and since I’ll be transitioning to a full size cabinet soon with 3 monitors I didn’t want to waste any more time on it.  I have about 5 tables working with the packs.  I’d like to collaborate to see if I have tables running that you don’t, and vice versa.  I tried chatting with you since you were online but you didn’t respond.  PM me if you’re interested?

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