SSF No rom sounds with Williams Tables – Fix w/APO software

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  • #109016

      Just wanted to share my fix when I came across this bizarre issue with <span style=”font-size: 14pt; color: #ff0000;”>only</span> Williams tables not producing sound thru the backglass (roms).  In the Equalizer APO software my sound device drop down list,  it was listed as “default-my device name here”  notice the word default(at the time didn’t  see this as a issue).   After being in direct contact with Outhere it was discovered that if I chose “my device name here” without the word “default” in front of it everything was working as it should.  This was after I installed a new video card and some issues getting back up and running so I don’t really know if it changed on its own or somehow I selected it in the troubleshooting process.   Just FYI – MY “my device name here” = HT Omega Claro II  and initially what was selected was “default-HT Omega Claro II”

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