SSF (Surround Sound Feedback) for Pinball FX3 using DOFLinx and Pinup Player!

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  • #88614

      Coming Soon… SSF for FX3!


      Once the new DOFLinx is released, I will upload 2 sets of “FX3 SSF” PuP-Packs!

      The “DEFAULT TRIGGERS” PuP-Packs set will work for all tables with the standard Flippers, Slings, Bumpers, Drain, Ball In, Launch, and Nudge for SSF. These will use the same sounds and 3D positions for every table.

      You simply setup DOFLinx for PUP SSF, and then copy these pup packs into your PinUPSystem folder.


      For a more Complete SSF Experience:

      Now, if you want more than the default sounds and positions…well this will require some editing of PuP-Packs from yourself or others.

      I will make available, the “ALL TRIGGERS” PuP-Packs that can be a more table specific and complete SSF experience. HOWEVER, these need to be COMPLETED!

      You would only copy over one of these PuP-Pack if you intend to edit them!

      You simply need to play the game (using this version of the pack for the table), listen to the “numbers” you hear (and note where you heard it). Then you edit the PuP-Pack, find the trigger using the “number” you heard, and then change the sound file to what kind of action it is, and edit the 3d position of where the sound should come from.

      It may sound complex…its not. Its very easy. Just watch my entire video and you will see me explain everything.


        Looks great for people that like fx3! I’m not a huge fan of those games but love the tweaking being done it’s really great for people to enjoy these in their ssf cabs so great work guys :good:

        just watch whole video and I must say again that your videos are the best!

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android



          OK….Happy Father’s Day!

          FX3 SSF PuP-Packs are now available!

          Note: DOF R3++, DOFLinx 6.30, and PinUP System are required to be installed and working first before you can use these PuP-Packs.

          Please read EVERYTHING in the “DESCRIPTIONS” tab, and the “INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS” tab on the download page!


          Good luck and enjoy!


          NOTE: PinUP Player can only use your DEFAULT Soundcard for SSF!


            This is fantastic!   It’s the one thing that bothered me after switching to SSF as FX3 tables seemed bland after updating my system.

            But I love a lot of the FX3 tables so this will bring in that great experience of SSF.

            Thanks to you, nailbuster, ddh69 for all your hard work!



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