Stranger Things: Stranger Edition

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  • #90622

      Ok reading through the thread again cause I knew I saw someone with that problem.  Apparently I wasn’t supposed to create the pup files but I had just watched that in a tutorial.  So off to delete them and see if it fixes it.



        Thanks again for all the help.


          Hey all,

          Great table. I just want to double check I have everything loaded correctly as there were multiple steps, guides and updates. I think I have DMDEXT 1.71 with updates and script changes correct but will admit that the instructions for DMDext and the additional edit instructions are a bit confusing.

          1.)  Is the DMD supposed to have any video clips for the show or just the score with some standard PIN DMD animations. EDIT – After reading some more looks like it is doing what it is supposed to do.

          2.) I see this other photos and videos. Is almost seems that the left and right sides of the backglass are slightly cut off. I could go back in mess with PINUP settings and see if it is off.


            Is your windows dpi settings for backglass monitor at 100% or 125? Should be 100

            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android


            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android



              So after rebuilding my system this table is crashing on the UltraDMD initialization in the script.  I followed all the instructions from Nailbuster to get PinUp installed and running.  How do you make sure the UltraDMD code is correct?


                So after rebuilding my system this table is crashing on the UltraDMD initialization in the script. I followed all the instructions from Nailbuster to get PinUp installed and running. How do you make sure the UltraDMD code is correct?

                For now…try disabling ultradmd to make sure the table works fine otherwise. Most likely ultradmd may need to be updated somehow.

                UltraDMD isn’t needed for this table as everything is on the backglass. It was just an extra added in afterward.


                  Yes the table works fine with UltraDMD disabled except I have that bright staring at me the whole time…lol.  Reading up on how to fix UltraDMD is really confusing and hard to tell which advice is out of date.


                    In fact I’m finding this to be one of the few tables that is working in VPX.  Not sure how I did this but several tables the ball just starts rolling down the launch lane by itself.  I would just reinstall VPX but not sure I know the order of all the other DLL hijackers that have to be installed.


                      The backglass will force overlay the ultradmd. There’s no reason to have it in a 2 screen setup so just turn it off. All the scoring is on the backglass.

                      Then it worked perfectly.
                      And, you really had reason, it was worth the download of 2.4GB.  :yes:
                      Many thanks for the feedback.  :good:



                        I am one of the ones also having trouble downloading the STLE file from the website.  I have 2 computers, a laptop and a desktop both on Windows 10.  Everytime I click download it asks for a password, I enter the password and it says the file is unlocked but it does nothing.  I keep clicking download and entering the password with no joy.

                        Can someone host it somewhere else?


                          That would be very wrong. If someone puts a file behind a password we should respect his wishes and keep it that way. However. If you ask for someone to help you out – NOT sharing the it in pubic, it is something I’m willing to help you with. Please contact me by PM.

                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                            I have it running now and I love it.  Awesome work.  Good taste in music too.


                              Hi All


                              Still on the learning curve with Pinup Popper.

                              With the STLE file that I placed in my PupVideos folder does that contain the media for the backglass and playfield videos in Pinup popper?

                              I could just record the videos with pinup popper and use those but I wanted to check if they are in the package.


                                Scotty and Team,


                                I want to thank you for this table.  I finally got on the PinUpSystem wagon today and love this and the TRON Legacy Table.  Great work.  I look forward to more of this stuff.


                                John Penner


                                  I deleted my directb2s file, and then copied the folder you mentioned to the PUPVideos folder and played it.  You do not need anything more than that.





                                    first of all … this is an amazing table … can’t stop playing it.  Thanks Scotty and everyone involved in this masterpiece.  Yesterday, I came across a problem I never saw before: at some point, I restart a game (after a disastrous score :scratch: ) and the initial state of the table had no closed drop target (center of the playfield).  I was able to hit a visually non-present Demogorgon on the get go.  My guess is a non-reinitialized variable in the script, somewhere.

                                    Another thing, I was wondering if it’s normal that sometimes, I come back from AV room mode with the pink targets still lit.  It happened when I got multiball (can’t remember which one) during the AV room mode (can’t remember which one either).

                                    Finally, on my setup, I changed the script a little bit to avoid starting B2S as it was leaking on the background.  There is a variable called “ForceDisableB2S” but it seems to me as a global variable (in registry, it’s not linked to a specific game).  I was also wondering why the B2S section is part of that script if B2S shouldn’t be used at all.

                                    At some point, if I find the time, I should really start looking to create tables myself … I’m a software developer, I could probably be helpful for the community, at least on the scripting level.


                                      Hi, I figured I’d get a better answer here.

                                      Basically I’m getting no callouts when playing this table, no videos or music or anything, and to make matters worse it seems the “STLE.DMD” file is missing or something, every time I load up the table it says that it’s missing and won’t show any video. The installation instructions aren’t much help, and I’ve followed every step to the T. I even tried to mess around with pinup to manually add in the video and audio but it only lets me choose one file for the audio and backglass. I even tried using my television as a second screen in hopes that will trigger something but no dice.

                                      I’d really like to play this table at its full potential but I’ve gotten no response from the author/developer. I’m in DESPARATE need of a tutorial for how to get the table to work, I’m still relatively new to Visual Pinball and Pinup and DMD and all of this and I have no clue what I’m supposed to do.

                                      Please somebody help me.  :cry:


                                        Great looking table, but I was just wondering if you can run this without PUP as I have this overlay while I am playing that detracts from the experience, and I too have no music playing.  Is there a way to turn off the overlays and have the music play?

                                        Edit: Sorry I forgot to indicate that I play on desktop only.



                                          Hi, I figured I’d get a better answer here.

                                          Basically I’m getting no callouts when playing this table, no videos or music or anything, and to make matters worse it seems the “STLE.DMD” file is missing or something, every time I load up the table it says that it’s missing and won’t show any video. The installation instructions aren’t much help, and I’ve followed every step to the T. I even tried to mess around with pinup to manually add in the video and audio but it only lets me choose one file for the audio and backglass. I even tried using my television as a second screen in hopes that will trigger something but no dice.

                                          I’d really like to play this table at its full potential but I’ve gotten no response from the author/developer. I’m in DESPARATE need of a tutorial for how to get the table to work, I’m still relatively new to Visual Pinball and Pinup and DMD and all of this and I have no clue what I’m supposed to do.

                                          Please somebody help me. :cry:

                                          Sounds like you don’t have the media from the password link in the setup in the right folder. Basically what you’re describing is no media. Either that or you have the wrong version on VLC installed for your pinup player install. It won’t be an issue with my table, more with the install of your pinup system.

                                          Terry Red has many kickass videos on installing pinup system. I’d get that running then circle back around to installing this table. Once you have pinup all working if you follow my installation instructions you should find it quite easy. Hope you get it playing soon.


                                            Great looking table, but I was just wondering if you can run this without PUP as I have this overlay while I am playing that detracts from the experience, and I too have no music playing. Is there a way to turn off the overlays and have the music play?

                                            Edit: Sorry I forgot to indicate that I play on desktop only.


                                            Yeah in your pinup settings just set your backglass to be 1px x 1px and hide it somewhere. Then use the ultradmd for scoring. If you’re getting no music check that your media from the 2.4 gb download is in the right media folder in pinup system and make sure you have the right version of VLC.

                                            All the audio levels are adjustable in the top of the script, so if you want louder music or louder callouts or whatever you can find it in the top of the script for easy editing.

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