The Walking Dead PuPPack Bloody Side Edition

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  • #112655

      Google translated :
      Go in register on twd_160h put at9ajit to 0 then audio_latency on 0 then autoframeskip on 0 and keep me informed voila.

      I must admit I haven’t myself played with audio latency and autoframeskip. Sounds like something to try at least. Thanks for the suggestion @Queniart.


        Interesting suggestion indeed, thanks @Queniart ! I thought it was working after a very short first game but unfortunately the issue came during the seoncd game. Does it work for you ?


          Re je v revoir sa lundi soir plus trop disponibilité en ce moment.


            Bonsoir dsl après avoir fait un contrôle je confirme après avoir relancé une nouvelle partie dmd ralenti en plus g un manque de temps pour chercher le problème écran blackglass tomber en panne bref avec le taf c pas facile en ce moment.


              Google translate :
              Good evening – after doing a check I confirm after relaunching a new part dmd idle in addition g a lack of time to look for the problem blackglass screen crashing brief with the taf c not easy right now.

              So that means, no immediate solution I guess. Curious @firebrand007 : what is your computer specs ?


                Re AMD 6 cœur 8 giga mémoire ddr3 avec Nvidia 1050ti disque dur ssd voila


                  Sorry for the delayed reply – my pincab specs are minimalistic but all the tables run smoothly in true full screen :

                  Win 7 64bit, athlon phenom 4×2.6 ghz , gtx 750ti, 4gb RAM, SSD drive



                    Hi all,

                    I have  issues too on this Pup Pack.

                    First my config:

                    Core i7 4770s + 16 Go DDR3 1600 + SSD 860evo 500go

                    Geforce GTX 1080Ti

                    4k 60hz


                    I’m using TWD 156h  with backglass and it s really nice and it works very well, no lag. When i try with the pup pack (b2s disabled) the game comes really laggy. Unplayable. Ill try to disabled graphic options and it’s the same. Only this pup pack is laggy.

                    I tried :

                    DDraw =0 and at9ajit =0

                    Vsync = 1 in user customizations

                    Freezy DLL script update (Trace -> warn)

                    activated plugin option is ok and pinup pluging is activated


                    But, it s still unplayable. Only this pup pack is laggy. All the others work (i only have an issue on spiderman layout displayed at leaving table)


                    Config : Amd 2700x / 16 Go DDR4 3000 / SSD 512 Go / GTX 1080 Ti
                    Cab : 40" 4K - 3 screens

                    Config : Amd 2700x / 16 Go DDR4 3000 / SSD 512 Go / GTX 1080 Ti
                    Cab : 40" 4K - 3 screens


                      I dont know why, but all I get is a loop video of opening credits from the show.


                        start by looking at puplog.txt

                        see here:


                          To clarify , all it plays is the backglass playlist.  No dmd vids, mode vids, end of ball, etc


                            Huh, this table does not generate a puplog file.  All my others do.


                              Huh, this table does not generate a puplog file. All my others do.

                              For PuPCapture tables you need to make sure ‘Use External’ is set when you press F1 (vpinmame) setup within game.


                                Figured it out.  But got it running and is too sluggish like others have had.  Oh well.


                                  Figured it out. But got it running and is too sluggish like others have had. Oh well.

                                  Make sure your VPX vsync is “properly” set, or you won’t have a consistent smooth frame rate.

                                  Also, if you have a low /mid end system with this table (and you were just getting by with smooth gameplay) using settings like AA, AO, or SSR…then you will not get smooth gameplay. Remember that you are now also playing numerous videos while playing this very demanding table.

                                  I had no problems with this pack with an 8 year old i5 2500K cpu, GTX 970 running in 4K using these settings:



                                    Also…be absolutely sure that you don’t have a directb2s running in the background….

                                    …and be sure your front-end media is NOT still running.

                                    I’ve seen ppl have a pup-pack, directb2s, and their front end media also running at the same time…..and they wondered why they weren’t getting good performance. :P


                                    For Popper, in Games Manager, you need to enter NONE under Keep Displays ON so that Popper turns off your browsing media when then game starts.



                                      Yeah runs like crap for me to the table plays fine the pup pack stutters frames i have no b2s or popper media in background all other pup packs run great  :unsure:


                                        i can confirm that table or i should say pinmame slows to a crawl with this pak. unplayable after 2 -3 min for me while the table without the pak enabled plays perfectly fine. :wacko:

                                        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                                        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                                        for IOS and Android


                                        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                                        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                                        for IOS and Android



                                          i can confirm that table or i should say pinmame slows to a crawl with this pak. unplayable after 2 -3 min for me while the table without the pak enabled plays perfectly fine. :wacko:

                                          Which table and which rom are you running?


                                            strange I have the pack with table TheWalkingDead TWD Mod and the rom 156h am running without any problems the settings are the same Terry has posted here too.

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