Topper Screen recommendations

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  • #138128

      Hey guys! I’m thinking about adding a topper screen. What is the screen size you guys are using for topper screens? I know I’ve seen the long skinny looking screens that resemble dmd screens but I’m not sure what size they are to start looking around. Thanks in advance for any direction you can give.  :good:


        I have a 17 inch LCD that I use for dmd and topper under my backglass.

        There is a 1280 x 390 screen that you can buy off the internet that would probably work well or there are other ultra wide monitors available if you wish to have it on top of the backglass.

        Another option is to have the backglass monitor poke out the top of the backglass.


        Hi my name is Barry and I'm a virtual pinball addict.

        Hi my name is Barry and I'm a virtual pinball addict.

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