Training tables?

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  • #168207

      Hi! I’m a newbie when it comes to virtual pinball, well I guess I’m a newbie to pinball in general.

      I’m wondering if anyone has ever built a visual pinball table expressly for the purpose of learning ball control and accuracy.

      With a real pin, you can remove the glass, pickup the ball, place it where you want and practice shots to your heart’s content. Is there a way to do something similar with virtual pinball?

      It seems like the possibility would be there to construct a virtual table that did this. The easiest way would be to block all possible routes to drain (including between the flippers) and set up a couple standard slingshots and a bunch of drop targets.

      Then you could practice mastering shot after shot.

      I realize each table is unique and plays a little differently. But for a noob like me, learning basic ball control 101 would be really helpful. Then I could adjust to the nuances of specific tables.

      Does anything like that exist? How hard would it be to build/modify a table for this purpose?


        Well, about 45 minutes into TerryRed’s VERY thorough youtube intro to Visual Pinball, I learned about the manual ball controller.

        This gives me some of what I wanted. I can at least drop the ball anywhere I want and practice shots repeatedly. But I imagine there’s still be interest in a table designed to teach ball control and shot accuracy.

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