VP 10 Nudge Settings

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  • #30361

      As i upgraded to 10.1 final i overwrote my nudge setting without writing them down…  As i was trying to remember what i have i realized i am not 100% sure what each setting does.  Does anyone know what each does?  I am using a zeb nudge setup.

      Was nudge filter always a check box?

      My x max and y max are at 100 as default

      My gains x and y are at 150%

      my deadzone is 5%

      My tilt sensitivity is at 400, and if i try higher or lower i can never get the machine to tilt.  Maybe i’m to nice to it?

      Curious what other people are using for #’s and if anyone knows for sure, how each number works in relation to each other, would love to know that.






        I had to set high or shaker throws nudge all over to be honest I’m not sure what all the settings do let’s see if  @toxie can chime in and explain maybe.

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        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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          Yea, I have had my acceleramator unplugged since VPX. I have yet to get any settings that are even close to realistic.


            I have tried and tried I even move my accelerometer to different places in the cab with no success. Would really like to be able to use nudge.


              I think that’s an inherent problem that may not be able to be fixed.  If you put in toys designed to shake the cab, or even subwoofers that shake the cab, then a accelerometer based nudging system is going to pick them up.  there is no way around that.  you can set the gain and deadzone so that it won’t be effected by the toys, but then you probably have to really shake the hell out of the cab in order to get any nudging response.  It’s a trade off in a simulated world.

              The best solution I’ve seen to this particular problem is someone posted on vpf an analog joystick upside down with a weight on it to use for their nudge.  Seemed like it wouldn’t be effected by the shaker toy as much if at all but would still provide for analog nudging once calibration dialed in.


                Did you setup nudge in vp10? The settings are not same as vp9 usually need to have way less percentages for setting in vp10 preferences for the nudge

                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
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                  I have it setup and working, but in my mini-cab it is way to easy to move the cab too much so it’s not an ideal situation or good representative example.  I can pick up my cab and roll the ball all over the place :)


                    Personally i brought my shaker intensity down, so you can feel it but does not shake the room, also i have now increased dead zone to 10%.  As for my nudge gains I have it set so that on the Metallica table, when i hit the side of the table, Sparky’s head bounces around.  For me the real question is getting the tilt to register as no matter what setting i use i never get a warning.  I am not a big nudging player but a bunch of my friends are.  I guess for me would be best to understand what each setting actually does, that way I can wrap my head around how to set everything.  This is all for VP10 only, have not looked at PM5 or VP9 as of yet

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