Whirl-Wind (Gottlieb 1958)

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  • #208655


      Whirl-Wind is a great example of a classic Gottlieb woodrail. Like many of this era, it has gobble holes, a roto target, alternating scoring lamps and a lot of bumpers. What makes this game unique is the center kicker between the flippers that launches the ball toward the roto target. It keeps the gameplay lively and offers a unique flipper configuration.

      @scorpion approached me about building this game some months ago. He provided photos and even measurements. From there I started rebuild/redraw work on the playfield and plastics.  Thankfully @scottacus was available on the scripting side of things.

      A quick word about what Scott was able to accomplish for this game: the peculiarities of how a roto target works, how it spins, stops, and indexes, were all thought through and brought to life in the coolest way possible. Even the lamps at the gobble holes light properly as the target spins. It is really something to see. So extra thanks to Scott beyond his normal excellence at bringing EMs to life for the ingenuity on display.

      Source images: scorpion
      Scripting/rules/ideas: scottacus
      Graphics/models/physics: bord

      Thanks also to the handful of beta testers that offered great feedback.

      Game notes:

      • Two POV files are included in the download. One leaves the table at 1:1 and includes the woodrails, the other fills the screen w/ the playfield.
      • The script has an option to enable the manual ball lift (authentic).
      • I modeled the entire cabinet for this game so if someone is inclined to create a VR version I’m happy to share my files for it.
      • Don’t smoke. It looks cool but only another smoker will ever want to kiss you. Also it is really bad for you.

        I can’t edit the original post, but I have to also include whirlwind (aptly named) in this post as he added additional sound scripting to this game, ensuring among other things that we continue to hear the ball in the subways beneath the playfield. Thanks for all you do, @islander!

        1 user thanked author for this post.

          Had the privilege to be among the beta testers. And, I’ve dropped my jaw a couple of times the last two weeks. This was one of them. The visual, I can’t see how that can get any better. Thank you so much guys and I’m in awe of what you’ve created here. Pretty sure that this one will ALWAYS, be shown when I want to show off my cab. Thank you very much !! :heart:


            Simply amazing recreation. Thank you! I don’t generally like older machines and this one is a blast to play.


              This table was for sale not too far from me several months ago and I really thought about it. What a neat surprise that I get to play it on vp :good:


                Looks gorgeous!  Can’t wait to play it tonight.  I really love some of the old tables.  I’m betting I’ll love this one.


                  please refrain from placing cig’s on the machines, we pay premium to provide pinball entertainment to all our clients so they can enjoy them in excellent condition.


                  but seriously what a beauty Bord!

                  Ben Logan2

                    Golden light


                      I LOVE this table.  I can keep the ball in play! Sort of.  Keep reaching down to grab my butt ;-)


                        This is beyond amazing work!  The level and attention to detail blows my mind.  Great work, can’t thank you enough for the amount to time and energy you put into providing these epic tables.  Thank you!!!


                          Thank you and all that helped for this masterpiece…then I will try to find other tables images from gottlieb ’60

                          to make other..if you like





                          4 users thanked author for this post.

                            @scorpion : Thank you ! Giving Bord good resources, is obviously a golden recipe, threatening to become pensioner ;) Appreciate it ! ( and again – to the rest of course )


                              Thank you soooo much for recreating these tables from my youth. I love the old EM tables !!!


                                Must. Step. Up. My. Game.  Another mesmerizer.






                                  Just got a chance to play it.  It really is a lovely table!

                                  But I ended up getting

                                  Line: 1461
                                  Procedure call or argument is not valid

                                  That line is
                                  If B2SOn Then controller.B2SSetMatch 34, (matchNumber * 10)

                                  Not sure, yet, if that was a one-time event.


                                    Just got a chance to play it. It really is a lovely table!

                                    But I ended up getting

                                    Line: 1461

                                    Procedure call or argument is not valid

                                    That line is

                                    If B2SOn Then controller.B2SSetMatch 34, (matchNumber * 10)

                                    Not sure, yet, if that was a one-time event.

                                    Hmm, @scottacus – any ideas? Match was working fine for me.


                                      It’s problem with my hastily put together matching, I’ve PM’ed you a fix.  Basically if you get a 0 for matching the table will explode.  Oh that and smoking is bad for you.


                                      1 user thanked author for this post.

                                        I wasn’t sure about a 1958 table but gave it a go after Thalamus’s jaw dropped and found it was hard to stop playing, top quality stuff and now I’m a little sore from nudging so much :) Thanks for doing and sharing this baby.


                                          Thanks for the quick fix. 1.0a is available for upload and also includes a wheel image by @movieguru (thanks!).

                                          Remember candy cigarettes? Somehow my wife picked some up at the dollar store for Halloween this year branded as “candy sticks” and featuring Batman and Superman. :wacko:

                                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                                            It’s problem with my hastily put together matching, I’ve PM’ed you a fix. Basically if you get a 0 for matching the table will explode. Oh that and smoking is bad for you.

                                            LOL – you never disappoint :wacko: ;-) Exploding tables from 58 … inventive. Guess I haven’t been lucky yet – getting 0 as match and thank for the update.

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