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  • in reply to: Spirit (Gottlieb 1982)_DOZER_1.0.zip #88561

      Yo – some people with brighter monitor gamma were noticing a foggy look due to the flashers on the playfield and plastics. I have uploaded 1.4 with two variables to fix this at the start of the script. If you were happy with 1.3 on your machine and the color tones / gamma of the flashers then there is no need to update to this version. Nothing else was changed.

      If you had a washed out or foggy look, then download this version and check the description next to the two new script variables at the top of the script under the flip_link setting.


      this is VERY cool…

      can you explain what these options are telling the tables GI and light to do, I see the effect just not smart enough to see what its doing to the values and what values that it changing…

      Const Flasher_Reduction =

      Const GI_Modulation =

      thanks man

      Hey Haunt – so  Const Flasher_Reduction simply takes each of the plastic flashers which are assigned to a collection, gets their current opacity amount and then reduces that amount by the value you put in here.   This way if this value is set to 0, the flashers render the way I had the originally set (which looks great on my PC dev monitor).

      Const GI_Modulation if set to 1 takes each of the GI Lights that are also assigned to a collection (some of which have modulation set to 0.9) and sets them all to 1 which removes the foggy halos.   If this is set to 0 then they render with their default settings.

      Hope this helps.  – Dozer.

      3 users thanked author for this post.
      in reply to: Spirit (Gottlieb 1982)_DOZER_1.0.zip #88530

        Yo – some people with brighter monitor gamma were noticing a foggy look due to the flashers on the playfield and plastics.  I have uploaded 1.4 with two variables to fix this at the start of the script.  If you were happy with 1.3 on your machine and the color tones / gamma of the flashers then there is no need to update to this version.  Nothing else was changed.

        If you had a washed out or foggy look, then download this version and check the description next to the two new script variables at the top of the script under the flip_link setting.


        1 user thanked author for this post.
        in reply to: Spirit (Gottlieb 1982)_DOZER_1.0.zip #88517

          Looking at the update comment I can’t understand the problem ? But, ok – if you think something was wrong/ugly, I will not complain. I always welcome updates :)

          Thanks for the update !

          No worries man – there were a couple texture alignment issues and some posts/screws that were not at the correct height.  I’m pretty happy with it now.

          in reply to: Spirit (Gottlieb 1982)_DOZER_1.0.zip #88362

            Small update folks – 1.1  – please read changelog – should be final now.

            1 user thanked author for this post.
            in reply to: Spirit (Gottlieb 1982)_DOZER_1.0.zip #88340

              Back for a short feedback. I was right. It is even more fun to play that I was hoping it would be. Since I haven’t tried this in real life and probably never will. I can only guess how it should play. But from looking at the video and the 10-ish rounds I’ve managed to put in yet, it is a wonderful recreation. You warned us that it was hard and I don’t know what is most frustrating. Being almost always to late on the magna-saves (I’ll get there soon) or constantly missing the MB shot.

              Super happy – thanks once again Dozer ! :rose:

              Cheers man, I’m glad you’re enjoying it.  Yeah that top shot is super hard to make – actually, after a while you find that getting it through that gate becomes easier but hitting it at just the right point to get it into that top saucer is super frustrating.   And yes, I often find myself looking at the ball rolling down the outlanes and then hitting the magna buttons about 1 second later :)

              in reply to: WIP – Spirit (Gottlieb) #88086

                Yeah there’ s a VP9 version available.  I did a flasher mod on it years ago and play it a fair bit so I thought it time for the VPX treatment.

                in reply to: Harlem Globe Trotters – VPX #87850

                  Great table thanks!

                  Cheers man – apologies for not being able to post it here.

                  in reply to: Harlem Globe Trotters – VPX #87842

                    Table has been released over at VPF.


                    I keep forgetting that JP wants any conversions and mods of his tables to be hosted there so I’m honoring his wish.



                    in reply to: Captain Fantastic_VPX_DOZER_1.0.zip #87028

                      Please grab 1.1 update – fixes flippers dropping when held during a tilt or game over event.

                      Important if you’re using DOF.

                      in reply to: Captain Fantastic_VPX_DOZER_1.0.zip #87023

                        Excellent. Thank you once again Dozer ! I just wonder if you will continue on your current streak. First table played, second … Wouldn’t that be nice – you releasing all tables you’ve played to date ? :yahoo: :whistle: (j/k)

                        I’ve never played this tables. Have seen mentioned and photographed quite a lot and it looks like a fun game to play. Double flippers is something I feel confident to play, until I prove myself wrong B-)

                        :) – I would love to go along the time line and do them all if time allowed.  I think from memory the next one they installed after this was Playboy (Bally) and then Kiss (Bally).  There are nice versions of those games already but I remember they also had a “Harlem Globetrotters” which I don’t think there is a VPX version of yet so maybe that one next.

                        in reply to: Aladdin’s Castle (Bally 1976) #85061

                          Thanks for very nice table Dozer :good: One question, I don’t see a hi-score post it on the backglass that is mentioned a few posts above, is it only for desktop, I have a 2 Monitor cab.

                          Hey there – yeah, we don’t get to see it as we are lowly 2 monitor peasants :)  The actual high scores are assigned to the directb2s DMD area which is currently assigned to a 3rd screen.   This can be rectified for a 2 monitor setup but it requires creating a new directb2s and resizing everything onto the new glass which is a bit of work .  At some stage if I get time I’ll make a new one or alternatively move it to the table area for 2 screen setups using a different approach.

                          in reply to: Aladdin’s Castle (Bally 1976) #84986

                            If you have problems with the right flippers. It simply means you haven’t played Paragon enough – I surely have. B-)

                            Happy to hear that a ssf update is coming to this table because it is a great release. Thanks Dozer.

                            1.01 has been uploaded – I kept some of the stuff that would be found in an EM backbox set to that area but the rest of the sounds have been moved to the table section.

                            in reply to: Aladdin’s Castle (Bally 1976) #84969

                              Thanks Dozer, beautyful table. Love the lighting and physics and the sound at the U-turn is great!

                              I saw, that many mech sounds are rooted to the backglass, which wasn’t intended, I think?

                              Something else, I like playing this table, but I never got the purpose of those damn tandem double flippers… other than making the player totally dizzy, because he MUST NOT stop the ball as he usually does a lot :wacko:

                              Nice catch – I forgot the check the good old sound manager for sound positioning – that’s where it placed them when the table was imported.  I’ll release an update shortly that moves them to the correct position.

                              Yeah those double flippers are a real bastard – I reckon they put them there to increase drains.   Your natural reaction is to try to cradle (or at least catch) a ball there and it often goes straight through the middle of both flippers :)

                              in reply to: Algar (Williams 1980) #84903

                                You guys have sold yourselves short – I think it looks great, especially considering it’s your first table.  I’ve only played a couple of games but I’m really enjoying it.   Nice work!

                                in reply to: Aladdin’s Castle (Bally 1976) #84818

                                  I was aware when I download a dozer table, it’s gonna be great. And so it is, it looks great and especially plays great!

                                  I like the table speed, the weak trafo, and the great idea to put the highscore postit on the DMD overlay graphik :good:

                                  Thanks for sharing

                                  Hey Man, thanks for the kind words – the high score graphic on the DirectB2S is the work of MJR – he’s a very good programmer, I’m a spaghetti coder :)

                                  in reply to: Aladdin’s Castle (Bally 1976) #84813

                                    This quote contains content marked as private.

                                    Hey there, yes, the image above is a 1080p screen grab from the table.  Even on a 1080p monitor  the apron instruction text isn’t great so it’s going to look worse on a 4K monitor. Unfortunately resources for this table are pretty light on so I had to deal with what I had.   There are probably better instruction cards around that could be included or at least created that would help.   We’re in a bit of a transition period at the moment between display resolutions but because I’ve not moved to 4K yet, I’m kind of stuck in low def world and I’m always particularly lazy with instruction cards as I see them as more of a dressing on a 1080p monitor.

                                    in reply to: Black Rose (Bally 1992) #84738

                                      Thank you for this beautiful table. Looks awesome. I’ve been playing the .8 version and I see that the ball launch does not make it all the way around to make that right flipper shot. If I remember correctly from the Vp9 , it’s supposed to…or then…maybe it was wrong

                                      It does look like it’s meant to make it the whole way around that loop on launch.  The videos I watched when I was doing the updates to it only showed  the ball make it halfway up the davey jones ramp and then back down to the playfield but this video shows the ball do a full loop.

                                      in reply to: Black Rose (Bally 1992) #84018

                                        Thanks, and maybe late but it’s worth it, today I replaced almost all the other lights of the playfield using the photos:


                                        It made it in – 0.08 being uploaded now for CoinDropper.

                                        -Added enhanced playfield image.
                                        -Added plastic ramp sounds
                                        -Added additional misc sounds.
                                        -Added animated hammer primitive to kick balls out of pirates cove.

                                        For any other devs who take on this table going forward, please increment version number accordingly.


                                        3 users thanked author for this post.
                                        in reply to: Black Rose (Bally 1992) #83994

                                          A new version is currently uploading for Coindropper 0.07 – This will be my final version until someone carries the game forward with additional higher res resources if they become available in the future.

                                          -Implemented textures from Draifet and fixed the sunken gate, prim post and back right primitive.
                                          -Included the accurate flipper color switchable in the script
                                          -Made a couple of lighting tweaks.
                                          -Fixed the right hand side loop inserts which are incorrectly listed in the manual. (Reverse of what they should be).
                                          -Increased the visible wall height of the locker ramp.


                                          7 users thanked author for this post.
                                          in reply to: Black Rose (Bally 1992) #83991

                                            Thanks a lot for the update.

                                            On the updated file, maybe on purpose or maybe not, but the primitive 9 with the planc decal (top right) is missing.

                                            The wire gate GateSw76 is under the playfield (at 70 height is fine I think), and the RubberPostPrim5 have some clipping with the wall.

                                            I used the resources that nFozzy posted before to try to improve a little the quality of some parts of the playfield (pirates cove special light, the top skull and surround lights, shoot again light and skull/guns, the 2 pirates and the 100.000/to extra ball lights), use it if u want:


                                            Extra, a new Davey Jones texture ramp:


                                            Nice one – don’t know what happened to that prim – must have accidentally deleted.   I’ve implemented your enhancements and will send the new file to Coin shortly.

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