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  • in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #43761

      That looks really great. Nice lighting and the crossbow is very cool. What models is Dark doing? Well walker?

      He’s doing all of them – well walker, fish tank heads and a new bicycle girl.

      in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #43755

        Thanks for the info everyone.  With this game you’ll have to install another fire button on your cabs.  I went with one of those jet fighter units where you have to flick a cover up to expose the button to prevent accidental activation.   Seriously though, it’s just mapped to right magnasave and the plunger button.

        I’m pretty much done with it until Dark finishes his new models which he’s currently working on.

        Here is a final video of the game as it stands.  I put a bicycle girl animation in last night that you can turn on or off so she looks around when the mode is active. Skip to around 1:50 to see some action including the crossbow model mod which I also noticed a couple of people who own the real machine have installed.

        The crossbow weighting and speed are not 100% accurate as it was very tricky to get the laser and the mech to sync correctly if I put in a graduated slow down when the mech reaches it’s far right point.  It’s not too bad though and does pause momentarily before heading back.



        6 users thanked author for this post.
        in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #43728

          Fantastic man, my switch positions look correct but I think the amount of time I have them activated is the issue. The final piece of the puzzle is knowing the following.

          1. Am I correct to assume that sw52 is only active while the ball is sitting on that little stopper at the crossbow entrance and until the arm moves away from home. Yes. The ball rolls past switch 52 and into the crossbow.
          2. When sw51 is hit (mark) I can see that sw50 (home) has turned off on the DMD – when you move back to 50 though, does sw51 stay active throughout the sweep until home is hit or does – a) sw51 turn off as soon as the arm begins to move back to home – b) until it gets back to the left slingshot?. ( I couldn’t see the DMD while that was happening). This is hard to tell. The crossbow test only allows one switch at a time to be tested. I can’t physically tell where they are to see if one remains closed while the other is in use.
          3. Can I also assume that if the ball is not shot on the first pass and it moves back to home – is sw52 ever activated again before the game shoots the ball out automatically? (I don’t think this will be the case as the ball will now be resting on the solenoid plunger and not activate 52 again as it returns home but would like to check). Thanks for taking the time to do this will save a heap of time and make sure it’s working properly. – Dozer. Correct. Switch 52 is only activated upon loading the crossbow. Once the ball is inside of the crossbow it will not be able to touch the switch again. The only way to roll over the switch is to have it come down the diverter ramp. See video for details.


          Thanks again for doing this – regarding b) The switch number during the test should fill with solid orange while it is activated I think from memory. So during the sweep if it is active for the entire time I would imagine that this would be the case and if not it should revert to it’s outline mode.  If that’s not the case, I might just have to fudge the logic manually to only allow the fire button to be active once it’s hit far right and then starts moving back.

          in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #43609

            how close to done is the awesome looking table you made thanks for all the time you put into it

            It’s probably a week away I’d guess.  Dark wants to do some new models for it so we’ll see how long that takes.  If it’s going to be a while I might release it sooner and then release an update at a later date with the new models.

            in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #43536

              Fantastic man, my switch positions look correct but I think the amount of time I have them activated is the issue.   The final piece of the puzzle is knowing the following.

              1. Am I correct to assume that sw52 is only active while the ball is sitting on that little stopper at the crossbow entrance and until the arm moves away from home.
              2. When sw51 is hit (mark) I can see that sw50 (home) has turned off on the DMD – when you move back to 50 though, does sw51 stay active throughout the sweep until home is hit or does – a) sw51 turn off as soon as the arm begins to move back to home –  b) until it gets back to the left slingshot?.
                ( I couldn’t see the DMD while that was happening).
              3. Can I also assume that if the ball is not shot on the first pass and it moves back to home – is sw52 ever activated again before the game shoots the ball out automatically?  (I don’t think this will be the case as the ball will now be resting on the solenoid plunger and not activate 52 again as it returns home but would like to check).

                Thanks for taking the time to do this will save a heap of time and make sure it’s working properly. – Dozer.


              in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #43532

                Thanks for doing that video, very helpful.

                The switches that make up the crossbow mech are sw50 home – sw51 mark and sw52 crossbow eject.

                Could I trouble you to go into the crossbow test mode and let me know when all of these switches activate during the test mode position wise?

                If you could capture the DMD and the mech at the same time that would be awesome.

                I assume sw50 is closed when the mech is at rest but knowing when 51 is active and from what position would be helpful, also if you can roll a ball in during test, sw52 would also be helpful.  I obviously have an error in the code for it as I can shoot the ball as soon as it moves past the left slingshot on the first pass.



                in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #43508

                  The laser mod looks good. My buddy has it on his LE. The crossbow is swinging too fast though. Not sure if that’s just sped up to show the video or not.

                  That’s good to know – can you film your friends machine from top down so I can get an idea of  a more accurate speed?

                  in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #43491

                    A while ago I read about  a laser mod for the cross bow which entailed mounting a laser diode under the crossbow mech which turned on when a ball was loaded and ready to be shot.     I thought that would be cool to put in the game so I came up with this which I think looks reasonable.   It will be implemented with a cvar to enable it to be turned on or off.


                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                    in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #43490

                      Hey guys, sorry I’m late the party on this build. I own a walking dead premium and could supply any needed resources that may be missing. Looks like someone requested a better bicycle girl model? Do you still need that?

                      Hey there, we have a nice model for the under ramp Bicycle Girl but it’s not title accurate (I think it looks better to be honest).  If you could get several high res pictures in a 360 degree field around the toy then we can get an accurate model done.  The toy really needs to be removed to do it properly though so it’s up to you and totally understandable if you don’t want to go to that much trouble.

                      in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #43285

                        Ok thanks to someone taking a picture of their prison while LIT we’re in business.

                        in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #43283

                          Looks awesome man.. one thing I noticed in our pro version and your mod is the silhouette’s are missing in the prizon windows.

                          Ah yeah nice catch man – I remember seeing those textures in the image manager a while ago.  They may be there but not lit enough – I’ll check it out.

                          in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #43280

                            On the home stretch now  – just experimenting with some lighting effects and some tweaks here and there.

                            Hoping for a release mid next week if not earlier.


                            in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #43210


                              in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #43201

                                This looks fantastic guys! When can we play it? I play TWD the most of any table on my cab. Love the game but could never afford an LE :) Can’t wait to try the LE features.

                                You can play it when it’s done – every time you ask when that is I feed another small, fluffy puppy to a walker.

                                in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #43065

                                  Good old Quake 1 was a great example back in the day before per pixel lighting become a reality.  I fired it up tonight and grabbed the shots below.  The images show the same map with baked textures turned on and then off and lit full bright.  I remember back in the day (1996-1997) lighting a map took hours and hours to process with the highest quality setting.  I tried it tonight on a current day I7 using the original map sources and it took about 6 seconds :)

                                  What was even more impressive was that there was no need to cull non visible polygons like you had to do in the old days.  You could load an entire map and render every face and still get 300 FPS on a GTX 980.   How far we’ve come in 20 years :)


                                  in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #43059

                                    When you render things in your 3d modeling program you have a lot of environment control, shadows and the way light plays off of other objects “realistically” – you don’t really get this control in VP. So if you “bake” the effects into the textures created in your 3d modeling software, you can fake the effect in a more primitive 3d environment like Visual Pinball.

                                    I always thought baked textures were the ones with a size of 420×420 :)

                                    in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #42971

                                      Dark created this great Bicycle Girl model with a separate hair mesh – fantastic.

                                      Will put it in the game when I get the changes back from Flupper.


                                      in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #42874

                                        Ok a couple of things folks, the playfield image in that build I sent Flupper has been reduced to 1/2 res because there was an issue on my cabinet with the original pro table and what appeared to be the 2048×2048 textures used in the original build.  I just remembered this after reading Flupper’s post.  Whenever I launched this table there was a 1 in 2 chance that the table would crash vpinmame.  I noticed that it would often use close to 4gb of memory when running so I batch converted those textures down and it fixed the crash completely.   This was the version that I sent to Flupper, so the original build by Fren and ICP has a playfield image twice the res.    I’m not sure why this fixed the crash because those textures are at max around 6mb but it seems to have something to do with the way VPX allocates memory or something?

                                        Dark, I believe the toy is just the head poking up through the playfield.  Out of those two reference images I sent in our PM’s the first one “pic230235” contains an image of the actual toy and the 2nd one with the bust was the only reference image I could find for the face.  When I saw your model in the follow up post I noticed the bust but thought I would just position it with a – z value to hide the bust below the playfield and maybe add a mod which pops her up a bit when it.   Sorry for the misunderstanding here.

                                        in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #42766

                                          I’ll find you Maggie!

                                          in reply to: What do we think of this ? VPDB .. #42446

                                            His pre-loading problem is that he’s accused by half the community of pre-loading VP tables on his cabs without asking the authors for permission.

                                            I see but I’m not sure how this solves that.   Does uploading to your app grant implicit permission to cabinet makers who pre-load tables as well?


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