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  • GCS2000

      Nope just the one zebsboard plunger kit that is programmed as a joystick.  Nothing else

      in reply to: Invalid floating point error? #86534

        invalid floating point error fixed by selecting an xpinput or DirectX joystick.

        I reprogrammed my zebs plunger kit to a game controller anyway so joystick support was needed.


        Regarding pinup … well still can’t get it to work.  Like I said followed Terry’s vids step by step.  My system will start up but I cannot navigate the system it essentially is stuck.  I guess I’ll go through set up again **Fixed based on info from Nailbuster in another thread (exit button issues and Admin rights issues)

        in reply to: PinUP Popper (FrontEnd WIP) #86317

          This sure looks like a good lighter weight alternative to PBX.

          Minor questions that I think I already know the answer to but will ask anyway.

          Is there anything special needed in order to get this to handle toppers (I really like the idea of a topper and its the next “upgrade” I want to do the cabinet)?

          Current pin has an 3.4GHz i7 chip (Sandybridge I think), 16gb of ram and a 6gb GTX1060 with a pinDMD3.  I want to go to a 4k screen any issues hardware wise for pinup?  I have read lots of comments from TerryRed about how PBX stutters for him and I sure don’t want to deal with that.

          I am sure I will have more questions but for now great job on the front end.

        Viewing 3 posts - 21 through 23 (of 23 total)

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