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  • in reply to: Pirates of the Caribbean (Stern, 2006) #55855

      Good timing on this release Fren. just in time for the new movie! and it looks fab!

      in reply to: Thank you. #54581

        I can’t agree more with Fren, celebrate yourselves. If anything, I am a direct by-product of the inspiration you table authors have spread and given to me, I have been around since VP8 , but never got involved, I had all the skills to be involved but never did. Then I came back in the scene and I saw Knorrs’  work first, then Flupper, then 32Assasin, and then the list got longer and longer, and all I could say was: Wow. All those same guys stuck it out through thick and thin.. from the hayday that was 8 to the now X, you guys spent countless hours,days and years making and re-making and sharing and collaborating. You guys/galls should all be very very proud of yourselves.. and as for me I tip my hat to you all, with the greatest respect that I can offer in written.

        in reply to: Selling VPX tables #54522

          With 99.9% of the world, it’s all about the money.

          Funny last time I heard it was 1% all they care about is money, and 99% scrounging for money!

          in reply to: Selling VPX tables #54510

            Yeah I have seen this stuff all over ebay…I didn’t say anything I thought you guys knew about it already.. As VisualPinball improves so do the tables and so increases the interest in it.. no getting around that.. and its fight you can’t win.

            in reply to: 13 new FSS releases #54482

              Truly is VERY cool! the detail in back boxes is spot on. speaker panels is spot on. great work!

              Just so you know the speakers don’t work on the backbox..  B-)

              BTW: South Park is uploaded now.. it’s no longer 13 minus 1


              in reply to: Hi All… I'm the FSS guy #54462

                How does one make an official release? ,I want to that for Monster Bash FSS, but I don’t know where to start. :whistle:

                in reply to: Hi All… I'm the FSS guy #54461

                  I’m going to build a coffee table cab for these and for joust but i like the view so much i think it would be neat in a single screen coffee table cab! Plus i was going to do the build anyways for a new touch table so these will for sure be installed!

                  Yeah I am planing the same thing.. funny enough I was thinking of Joust as well, and will have modify my design to portable and flexible to be able to play upright as well as flat.

                  in reply to: Hi All… I'm the FSS guy #54252

                    I’d like to try the fss verson?

                    Oh you do!.. wasn’t going to release it, was just for show..but if you want it I will PM it to you. Just have 2 more score images to enable.. 6-700K .. Edit: actually I have a question , what causes humty dumpty to fall off the wall? max score hit? :scratch: Edit2: lolz quoted the wrong guy! :wacko: .

                    Score causes him to start falling and then every so many points is another farther fall. Don’t recall the points been a while since I did build. Stat did the backglass and can’t remember what we tied it to… every 10k maybe?

                    Actually the b2S does not have a humpty dumpty at all:

                    And as far as I can see from the original backglass, only 2 positions exist for him, on the wall, and one on the ground..  but the backglass could accommodate 2 more intermediate positions but no more.

                    EDIT: I see what’s going on, you have two versions hosted on the site:




                    in reply to: Hi All… I'm the FSS guy #54248

                      Since I’m on a beat might as well show this too… I don’t  think this table needs much of an introduction.

                      Just finishing up the backglass logic..



                      in reply to: Hi All… I'm the FSS guy #54239

                        I’d like to try the fss verson?

                        Oh you do!.. wasn’t going to release it, was just for show..but if you want it I will PM it to you. Just have 2 more score images to enable..  6-700K ..

                        Edit: actually I have a question , what causes humty dumpty to fall off the wall?  max score hit? :scratch:

                        Edit2: lolz quoted the wrong guy! :wacko:


                        in reply to: Hi All… I'm the FSS guy #54143

                          @Sliderpoint ,  yes randr did do it, I should of wrote my sentence differently, because yes it does give the ever so slight impression he didn’t when he did. lolz! :scratch:

                          in reply to: Hi All… I'm the FSS guy #54116

                            So found this little gem last nite, had been collecting the graphix for it for some time, though I would need to make this table myself..  I knew you (randr) did the worlds fair WIP ,but not this one.. So I FSS’ed it..  , I also FSS’ed The Worlds Fair too, but since it has no significant backbox I never showed it.



                            in reply to: Hi All… I'm the FSS guy #54008

                              yes and more work is to come, looking into snapping within the editor.. snap to grid, to edge, center, intersection  , near etc…   that will be my next little contribution.

                              in reply to: Hi All… I'm the FSS guy #54001

                                Yes I see what you are saying.. I will try to take note of the subtleties (but I can only do so much) of EM vs Solid State versions in my upcoming EM/SS versions of Cleopatra/Pyramid,  Spacewalk/Count-Down , EM mata hari/SS matahari and EM Sinbad /SS sinbad .

                                In the case of Cleopatra/Pyramid the graphics(all of them) on the two available tables are very distinct, and I will be using both to support both the EM/SS versions, but I can only take it so far on first releases, and will come together better with revisions once my objective of 100 FSS tables mark is hit, at a current 75% achieved.


                                EDIT: HauntFreaks thanks for the go-ahead.. It does simplify things for me!


                                in reply to: Hi All… I'm the FSS guy #53997

                                  Yes rascal did with 9 what I was hoping he would have done with 10, loved his stuff, but I really don’t blame him for not re starting from zero… its a lot of work, but all the same, big differences between rascals hybrid  and FSS, FSS has far more implications to come vs just a desktop backglass view.

                                  I don’t quite understand what you mean by a disservice, firstly my EM vs what is a disservice? I really want to know more because I have 8 EM’s coming down the pipe.. so If I can know what you mean more precisely would help, as I value all input coming from others who probably know far more about the community than me as vital.


                                  EDIT: Just an quick reply added ,before you reply, you are probably talking about the fact that my EM is a mame controlled EM , this maybe true, but they are both tables made by the same company.. just a more efficient and inexpensive way of making a table other than that I don’t see how two tables beyond scoring values can have such huge rule changes.


                                  in reply to: Hi All… I'm the FSS guy #53896

                                    I know it’s not the place to ask but how do you edit a pre-existing collection? I have searched high and low but can’t find any edit button and I cannot find how one edits a collection.

                                    in reply to: Hi All… I'm the FSS guy #53699

                                      So I have posted the first collection of FSS tables here in this WIP collection page that will change over time:

                                      I have 70 completed of 100+ in the works of these types of FSS table mods that I will post in batches over time. As this is not a new career plan for me, my time is scarce as I am giving this effort everything I have to get it done ASAP, this meaning; I will post more when I have the time to do so.

                                      This FSS mod work is almost as complicated as doing a table itself , resources researched and collected , new script must be created, backglass graphics must be photoshoped, existing tables must be modified and some times even completed or repaired,  then the whole must be tweeked over and over, and then tested again and again, before release. Initially the vpinball exe had to be modified (now integrated into the official code base) to permit this mod to work. So I hope you enjoy these tables as much as I will, when I’m done, to actually have the time to enjoy them for myself!

                                      Arco. B-)


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