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  • in reply to: 4K Tv Recommendations? #99731

      having spent around three weeks looking up the capabilities of the human eye I found this and think it has a real bearing on the truth.

      We would all like to think our vision is better than the truth but here it is.

      A person’s field of vision covers about 200 degrees, a little more than a semicircle. At arm’s length their index finger’s fingernail will appear to be about the width of one of those degrees. Imagine that fingernail covered in 120 alternating black and white stripes — being able to discern those stripes at that distance is just about the theoretical limit of the human eye.  Can anyone explain what they actually see on a 4k monitor that they cant see on a 1080p monitor because I see no difference at all?

      Maybe it’s just me ???

      really new without a clue

      really new without a clue

      in reply to: VPX tables question #96790

        Thanks everyone I’m really grateful for all your help, So the beers are on me     0=({ }]  Thanks

        really new without a clue

        really new without a clue

        in reply to: VPX tables question #96738

          Thanx Guys you been a great help I appreciate you giving your time.

          I can see this is going to be a long process and a huge learning curve to get a functioning pinball machine going.

          The hardware I can do but all this software stuff leaves me dizzy

          Thanks again for all your help.

          really new without a clue

          really new without a clue

          in reply to: VPX tables question #96727

            Thank you randr

            Sorry I have one more question, when someone uploads a table why don’t they upload the whole package of files the table requires to work?

            Surely if this was the rules people could spend more time playing pinball than looking for matching files.  :scratch:

            really new without a clue

            really new without a clue


              Just doubled checked files are in the VPinMAME folder ok  I will install 1.71 just to make sure all is right.  I did follow your video piup system and pinup popper part 3 and although I have no tables yet it did work when I hit the Exit and launch button.

              Thanks for all your hard work and patients  :good:


              really new without a clue

              really new without a clue


                Hi it says in the instructions above to edit the  “dmdextlog.config” file,  Having just done a new build and following everything to the letter I cannot find the file  “dmdextlog.config” in my VPinMame folder,   the file i have is the same size but is called  “dmdext.<span style=”font-size: 14pt;”>exe</span>.config” .

                The instructions say   ” in the  “dmdextlog.config”. The <rules> section should look like:

                <logger name=”*” minlevel=””info” writeTo=”console” />

                I don’t have that in my file “dmdext.EXE.config”  My file contains this below?  should I just rename it to the one in the instructions above.

                Any help would be a miracle

                <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″ ?>
                <sectionGroup name=”userSettings” type=”System.Configuration.UserSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089″ >
                <section name=”Console.Properties.Settings” type=”System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089″ allowExeDefinition=”MachineToLocalUser” requirePermission=”false” />
                <supportedRuntime version=”v4.0″ sku=”.NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2″ />
                <setting name=”VirtualDmdLeft” serializeAs=”String”>
                <setting name=”VirtualDmdTop” serializeAs=”String”>
                <setting name=”VirtualDmdWidth” serializeAs=”String”>



                really new without a clue

                really new without a clue

                in reply to: B2s behind playfield and I can't move it. #96463

                  Thank you for the link Outhere , I’ll get back to this at some point.  For now I have to start from scratch as I was following a tutorial on youtube for pinup system and it all went wrong.  I lost all my future tables and now nothing works.  I will get there in the end I just need to learn more about all the software needed I think.

                  Thanks again

                  really new without a clue

                  really new without a clue

                  in reply to: B2s behind playfield and I can't move it. #96436

                    Thank you so much assassin I just got an 240Gb SSD and thought I would try a fresh build so I can use Pinup system and player  but as you probably guessed I’m a real newbie to this.

                    Thanks again :good:

                    really new without a clue

                    really new without a clue

                    in reply to: Should I start again with PinUp Player #96405

                      Hi All

                      Many thanks for all your reply’s but this is all way over my head so I think I will stick with what I got.  :good:

                      really new without a clue

                      really new without a clue

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